Monalisa Guje



Monalisa Guje


My Clean Home

My Clean Home

1 min

Today was a wonderful day

Dear diary I have so much to say

My broom ran under the bed

Hey! I am here the dust said

When my broom went to the corner

Peeped out the spider and said let me be here I ain't a foreigner

I heard in the backyard someone snore

The broom told me don't ignore

Ask her to wake and get her here

Since weeks she's sleeping that isn't fair

I woke the mop she was still dozy

Lying there she became lazy

The broom gave me an angry look


o to a bucket full of water the mop I took

The mop then snapped out of her dream

Said to the broom that he acted very mean

Just do your part the broom than persuaded her

I'll clean your place from the dust you need not fear

Then she ran through the floor

'After a long time?" asked the door

The broom and the mop worked so hard

The walls and curtains gave them an applaud

I really thank them that they ended that fight

I came together and made my home so clean and bright.

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