Man gives life to the immortal, Unfortunately his own sufferings are brutal Man gives life to the immortal, Unfortunately his own sufferings are brutal
"The good you do today, will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway!" "The good you do today, will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway!"
"Why is it... That we often expect, but seldom give! That we often accuse, but rarely praise!" "Why is it... That we often expect, but seldom give! That we often accuse, but r...
This poem teaches us that patience is the key to achieve anything in life This poem teaches us that patience is the key to achieve anything in life
Raavana, the King of Lanka Fought with the blue God He kidnapped Sita Raavana, the King of Lanka Fought with the blue God He kidnapped Sita
If I was a bad person I would take my revenge If I was a bad person I would take my revenge