Monkeys with Smartphones, Monkeys with unreal dreams... Monkeys with Smartphones, Monkeys with unreal dreams...
"Monkey went to drink water Donkey to graze grass, Monkey saw a crocodile A horse was seen by ass... "Monkey went to drink water Donkey to graze grass, Monkey saw a crocodile A h...
I sound like I'm still tipsy From last night's whiskey I sound like I'm still tipsy From last night's whiskey
Three monkeys sitting on a bench, Three monkeys sitting on a bench,
The monkey representative Of the powerful and the wealthy. The monkey representative Of the powerful and the wealthy.
The laughter of her caged my wildness It's fine to be a dumb monkey if someone special needs t... The laughter of her caged my wildness It's fine to be a dumb monkey if someon...