Mental Game Chess
Mental Game Chess

You are the brain child of the game Chaturanga,
What an attraction you have!
Millions of people become your lover,
How the colorful fight in a square grid!
And violent at checkered board boarder!
All are astonished
Only saying...
Bravo! What a tremendous fight!
You, two are doing!
Oh ! You the mental game chess.
Your pawn's step thrilled the hearts
Room's swimming loses sleep,
Your knight's bravery is a lightning spark,
Bishop's e
ncourage really faithful,
How much expectation of the king!
The Queen's dedication is memorable,
That increases the excitement highly,
What a variety of contributions and involvement in you?
Today you are an ex-party game,
The selfish king won the crown,
Rule regulation is propaganda,
By hook or crook is its own dream,
Innocents lose their lives,
Only a devil laugh trembled,
That's king's voice
On a dark pyramid.