Kawaljeet GILL

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Kawaljeet GILL

Abstract Classics Inspirational

Maybe New Beginning...

Maybe New Beginning...

1 min

When your heart wants someone to stay with you never let that person go away,

He is the happiness of your life,

Without him you are incomplete,

So forget about your egos your issues,

Solve all your issues and stay happily along with him,

Life won't give you more chances again and again,

It's very hard to find your true love of life,

So never let that person go,

From my heart voice comes

Remember mine, love,

It is only for you

During my whole life

And till mine last breathe

You are in my HEART,

No one knows what will happen

in your next moment,

So I never make advance plans to achieve


Day by day your plans and your 

Wishes to changes,

Mine trust mine promises mine

Loyalty is towards mine truer love,

To find peace have patience,

Stay always cool,

Be calm relax fully,

Never have negative thoughts,

Be positive and never fight for

Small small issue,

Maybe some people feel

Love is like pizza,

But I don't feel so and I don't

Compare love with anything,

Love is love maybe it's triangular

Maybe it's circular,

Love never dies,

The cycle of love never ends,

Even if it ends it may be the

Beginning of any other 

Love story...

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