Only if I knew, This is how it would turn out, I would've shattered all the broken pi Only if I knew, This is how it would turn out, I would've shattered all th...
So, when you have lost your vivacity in your all adversity, Just relax and trust natu So, when you have lost your vivacity in your all adversity, Just relax and t...
The poem shows that jealousy is an intensified emotion. The poem shows that jealousy is an intensified emotion.
The illogicality of being stuck, In the mud of love is enough, The illogicality of being stuck, In the mud of love is enough,
The sun cried Of the intensity it felt, The trees sang A sad song of separation The sun cried Of the intensity it felt, The trees sang A sad song of separation
His proximity, Increases my intensity. His proximity, Increases my intensity.