Little by little, We will turn into stars, Little by little, We will turn into the infini... Little by little, We will turn into stars, Little by little, We will ...
Not for Her the subliminal shapes of dark, No inchoate, amorphous iniquities entice He Not for Her the subliminal shapes of dark, No inchoate, amorphous iniquities ...
The poem describes infinite mistakes that we as a human make. The poem describes infinite mistakes that we as a human make.
Love has no boundaries, they say, A limitless unbound abyss, Unrestricted and untamed... Love has no boundaries, they say, A limitless unbound abyss, Unrestricted and ...
You are the sole cause That I live, that I love You are the sole cause That I live, that I love
Right from primary we were taught to compete but why? Don't we have our Consciousness? Right from primary we were taught to compete but why? Don't we have our Consc...