Holding On
Holding On

We all have our monsters
I may see yours or not
You may see mine or not
Not everyone sees the battle
The fight with the monsters
I can't say I see it all
The glaring and the hidden
But what I do see
Is how hard it is for you to smile
Is how hard it is to act like you have no monsters
I see
I know
How you act like you're fighting no battles
How you hide the blood from me
But I smell it from a mile away
From wounds a thousand years old
Wounds that never heal
I know how
scarred you are
I know you've got rotten wounds lying around
Those scars?
They are beautiful to me
Marks of a true warrior
And the stench from your wounds?
Sweet smelling incense
Because they are all signs
Of battles fought and won
Of monsters being struggled with
Of your humanity
Of your imperfection
Fight your battles
Slay your monsters
And know that I'll be right here
Tending your wounds
Holding your hands
Doing whatever needs to be done
Being whoever you want me to be