Heart Of A Tree
Heart Of A Tree

I was a seed planted in broad daylight
Sprouted on a sunny day with lots of delight
Everything around me looked hopeful and beautiful
Grew up with lots of enthusiasm and mindful
Passage of time helped me stretch further with leaves, flower buds
On those fragile branches laid god’s glory and blessing shower huts
In no time I was in full bloom, driving away the gloom
Life looked very serene and scintillating in all facets of the room
All the broad shoulders started bending
Those who watered and cared me started mending
Now they redefined me
“I am their food
I am their wood
I am their daily good
I am their livelihood”
I am for every one of them but no one is for me
I lef
t everyone pleased
But they left me as a fruit fully squeezed
With no real worth on this entire earth
Praying god with all heart not to give me rebirth
On all festive days
My children who are named by them as
Flowers, fruits, and leaves
Leaves and flowers decorate their homes
Fruits become offerings to various gods
Even almighty needs me for every celebration
During their final journey
They cut me alive to cremate the dead
Despite I give them their daily bread
I burn live with every dead body
This is not a concern for anybody
If you can’t save a tree
You are dooming rapidly
Forever you are in clutches and never free
Either to breathe in or breathe out
Say it loud
If you plant a tree be proud