Every precious stone unique and different, Given an equal opportunity to fit in a place. Every precious stone unique and different, Given an equal opportunity to fit...
The stranger turns out to be a part of our life. The stranger turns out to be a part of our life.
A real gem is hard to be found But once you get it You should never have a doubt A real gem is hard to be found But once you get it You should never have a...
Wandered 'round the woods, Searched deep into mountain roots, Neither a sign, Nor a print ... Wandered 'round the woods, Searched deep into mountain roots, Neither a si...
Every child is special and inside them, there is a Gem, A teacher needs to chisel, to show it to ... Every child is special and inside them, there is a Gem, A teacher needs to ch...
This poem is an earmark to the jewels of my life plodding 'To Achieve', I wish them a huge success a... This poem is an earmark to the jewels of my life plodding 'To Achieve', I wish t...