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Anindhya Mishra



Anindhya Mishra


Frozen Hopes

Frozen Hopes

2 mins

The sky wept doleful tears as they lowered her casket

Raindrops were ricocheting off the hope-tinted glasses 

For she had shuffled off her mortal coils way too soon  

I wish to see her alive again out of this frozen room   

It wasn't an ordinary casket of mahogany, oak, or pine

But a cryonic pod made of aluminium, ingots, turbines

Reeking of dry ice, and liquid nitrogen, she laid supine

So that science could resurrect an innocent life sometime.

Resting on ice rather than lilies or chrysanthemums

'Twas her vitrification instead of funeral and cremation 

Her pale visage shrivelled like flowers in morbid winters

Through Heparin and antifreeze, her blood was filtered.

They said souls deserve salvation, and this was a crime

But how could I ever repress those torrents of brine

She rightfully deserves a taste of her probable life

I inferred by umpteen wars between my heart and mind.

In another time and world, she would be awake

Then this breakthrough wouldn't be a mere mistake  

She'd grab a second chance, the only thing I prayed  

And hope, frozen within a deep, dark grave, is laid.

P.s The poem revolves around CRYONICS, which is the low-temperature freezing and storage of human remains, with the speculative hope that resurrection may be possible in the future if the cure is discovered.

*Heparin- A blood anticoagulant 

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