Unconcerned With fading footprints on desert sands Poised to go ahead? Or am I content to s... Unconcerned With fading footprints on desert sands Poised to go ahead? ...
A girl who wished somebody's death, Was considering the world as her greatest threat. Wanderin... A girl who wished somebody's death, Was considering the world as her greatest...
Spending this whole year With profound love and hatred Now the time has come to finally look b... Spending this whole year With profound love and hatred Now the time has co...
The first blush of morning light brings joy The first blush of morning light brings joy
"These are my footprints so perfect and small These tiny footprints never touched the ground at all" "These are my footprints so perfect and small These tiny footprints never touche...
The journey towards the goal, Begins with a single step. The journey towards the goal, Begins with a single step.