Suraj Bajaj

Others Inspirational


Suraj Bajaj

Others Inspirational

Fly High

Fly High

1 min

Scaling the mountain, reaching the sky.

Fly high, I wanna fly high

Exploring the galaxies, covering infinite miles.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

Overcoming the obstacles,
Without letting the hope die.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

Taking on the challenges, going all in for every try.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

Keeping a demeanor, that meets every eye.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

Cherishing love, gathering all smiles.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

Giving the naysayers, a fitting reply.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

Confidence is the key, endurance is the ally.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

No time to relax, no occasion to shy,
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

I don't need to explain to anybody, need not justify.
Fly high, I wanna fly high.

I am a dreamer, not an ordinary guy.
Usual is not for me, I wanna fly high.

If you say you cannot, you are telling yourself a lie,
Forget about the world, just FLY HIGH.

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