Vini Pal



Vini Pal


Epistle To Fear

Epistle To Fear

1 min

Hello Mr. Fear,

You being an

Abstract feeling of a sort,

Can shake the person to,

The core of the thought.

I have seen your-

Every shade in the past.

You have the power-

That long for the last.

Yes, I admit,

I once had caught into your hold,

Anxiety, Panic, Doubts,

Bouts of hallucinations.

Your highly anticipated offspring,

Have stopped me time,

And again to get back to my real self bold.

You almost tear me apart,

Robbed my peace of mind

And spirit to live my life like bindaas.

Wait! Don't get too high,

Listening to your plus.

I too am the adamant soul,

That never learn to give up.

Looking for the ways,

To deal with you.

>I heard the celestial voice,

Guiding me through.

"No matter how strong the hold be,

You still have the power,

To ground thy enemy" said the voice.

So Mr. Fear, I just wanna say,

'Thank You' for your intrusion in my life.

Allowing me to meet,

The new version of mine.

I agree with the fact that,

You being the feeling,

Will always be the part of my life,

But let me tell you,

Mr. Fear,

You are not gonna win over me this time.

No grudges or complains against you,

Just heartfelt gratitude.

For the chance to discover,

The new ability to deal with you.

Thanking you once again,

For opening my eyes.

'Be your own saviour',

The precious mantra I have realized.

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