Distant Memories

Distant Memories

1 min

How can I measure the distance

When I stand right next to you

And the eyes do not wish to steal

Glimpses of the tenderness we knew

Glances that once felt like honey

Melting over beating hearts

Now a frozen, wordless, void

Long, uncomfortable silences

Two souls that wandered afar

Each bound by their own prejudices

Memories like distant stars

Words too shallow to mean anything

In our paths that lie ahead

We left something too far behin


How do we measure the emptiness

Created by time and expectations

By words, lies and silences

Hearts that quietly closed

Without remonstrations, without hope

A weak surrender to the truths

That life chose to unravel

Steps we didn't take

Stories we couldn't weave

Dreams that changed form,

Before we dared to believe

How do we judge, our lucks or losses

Our songs may have played differently

But it remains still a melody

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