Childhood Memories

Childhood Memories

2 mins

I still remember the time when mom came to tell something to me,

And I accepted it with glee.

And why would I not agree,

After all it was the only key to my childhood memories.

Yes, she asked me to accompany her to visit the house where I was born 

As soon as I entered the bungalow,

I could see myself glow.

I saw the Garden where I have spent my entire childhood,

Reviving those memories make me feel so good.

Then I entered the living room 

Those memories made me bloom 

I saw my younger self running into a room,

And I followed her and that made me enter my childhood playroom.

I looked around and I could see all the different games,

And today I realized I don't remember some of their names.

I moved towards the room where we siblings s

tayed together,

Those memories made my heart feel better.

I had a bitter-sweet feeling,

After realizing those wounds are still healing.

The promise of always staying together made my heart bleed,

But we couldn't do anything because it was the family's need.

From being a joint family,

We turned into a nuclear one.

We all kids have grown up into Adults,

And we are running behind good life results.

Looking at the place where we have made lots of memories,

Makes me feel to come back and revive those beautiful memories again.

But I know it can only be a distant Dream,

Because everyone is very busy it seems.

While leaving the house to get back to our daily monotonous life,

I just turned towards the door and could see a glimpse of my beautiful fairy tale childhood.

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