April Showers
April Showers

Behold! the pagan wizardry above.
The rain god ploughing the April sky.
At once drizzles down crystal beads.
Crystal beads of April showers.
Raindrops kiss the earth to life.
The fragrance of fresh earth awakes.
And the slanting pen of raingod-
scribbles poems on leafy pages.
The naughty rain trickles the brook.
And lo! begins the wavy laughter.
The waves dashes to lull the shore.
But ah! breaks into smithereens.
On a weepy bough sat a soggy bird,
singing a sweet drooling lullaby.
Then the hands of April showers-
patted the grass sheaths to deep sleep.
Like a
school boy who hates to part-
from his doting mamma's fingertips,
dangled on a petal tip a raindrop.
Only to weep and fall at last...
I stood beside my wide window,
watching rainy icons on the sill.
Searching frantically for a wet portrait,
of my knight in shining armour far away.
I longed for his surprising arrival,
through this silver threads of rain.
Then will I hold his wet mighty hands,
and melt in this celestial downpour.
Thus April showers and her symphony,
opened the door to a shy Spring.
And the crying clouds eased my pains.
Oh! Who said April is the cruelest month?