Swathy Janardhanan

Children Stories Drama Others


Swathy Janardhanan

Children Stories Drama Others

Dad, for You

Dad, for You

2 mins

I was a chubby baby, with lots of hair.

From the very first day I did put on air.

Posed as if I were a princess of gravitas.

Why don't I dad, for I'm your little lass ?

You dreamt with me, told to aim at stars-

and to proudly wear life's painful scars.

Nurtured me as a true woman, not as a son.

And you gave me all love under the sun.

Your midnight story sessions on life,

of great heroes who quelled all strife...

But all my great heroes have your face.

For none can beat you in life's chase.

Though how firm you stand over the pain,

I know when am far away, you go insane.

And you will say to 'be honest and bold,'

and 'to blarney or taunts do remain cold.'

Fears or doubts never did app

all me.

For it was a fire that you planted in me.

Thank you, Dad, for allowing me to fall.

And to make me rise again, unlike a doll.

I'll meet my man, but my Mufasa you'll be.

Who taught me to believe and just be.

Thank you again dad for showing me,

to embrace the roots and unfurl empathy.

When all my hopes go south dear dad-

and I remain a shadow, loony and sad,

I look at you and straighten my crown.

And leave my despairs alone to drown.  

So this is for you, a thousand times over.

For letting me grow alone and hover.

For that gleaming eyes that proudly say,

"None can beat my little girl anyway."



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