We must learn to lead our life To throw away the unhappy times We must learn to lead our life To throw away the unhappy times
We live a country which is soaked in our ancestors blood, My Incredible India! We live a country which is soaked in our ancestors blood, My Incredible India!
I wish I had a time machine, Which would fly me to the nether worlds, I wish I had a time machine, Which would fly me to the nether worlds,
Narcissus falls down in the water (love) is true Unto wings grow to a man. Which trifle does r... Narcissus falls down in the water (love) is true Unto wings grow to a man. ...
Our ancestors spoke not until they were asked! We ask google to convert centimetre to metre, Our ancestors spoke not until they were asked! We ask google to convert centi...
Are we god and ancestors? Are we silver or gold Are we god and ancestors? Are we silver or gold