Writing is one of my two passions-and the driving force of my life
This proclamation is followed by loud applause. Once it dies down, he resumes. This proclamation is followed by loud applause. Once it dies down, he resumes.
An interrogation between a lady detective and an abominable criminal An interrogation between a lady detective and an abominable criminal
A small conversation between an inspector and a murderer doctor.. A small conversation between an inspector and a murderer doctor..
We make good choices, bad choices and often, terrible ones in life. But Tanya, when faced with a sit... We make good choices, bad choices and often, terrible ones in life. But Tanya, w...
When Ramona Lewis, a renowned crime novelist, decides to try her hand at true crime writing, she dec... When Ramona Lewis, a renowned crime novelist, decides to try her hand at true cr...