A homemaker by choice, an author and a writer by chance and now on my way to explore and live life to my tunes. Visit my website https://rajashreebhagwat.blogspot.com to read my blogs.
It hurts to lose things that are so dear to you. It hurts to lose things that are so dear to you.
Tasting her the flavors, life passed by her, snatching her from herself and she, aware though, had b... Tasting her the flavors, life passed by her, snatching her from herself and she,...
The mother knows the best for her child. The mother knows the best for her child.
How on the earth people are so busy, contented and happy, I cannot stop wondering. How on the earth people are so busy, contented and happy, I cannot stop wonderin...
She shuddered. She screamed. A silent scream. The gnawing despair and helplessness she suffered sinc... She shuddered. She screamed. A silent scream. The gnawing despair and helplessne...
I often hit the crossroads In the journey of parenting Not while I brought up my two darling d... I often hit the crossroads In the journey of parenting Not while I brought...
War-weary woman rose up the next morning with a pretentious content, her raison d'ĂȘtre. Her pretensi... War-weary woman rose up the next morning with a pretentious content, her raison ...
The soul, indestructible and eternal, transgressed blissfully in absolute harmony with the universe. The soul, indestructible and eternal, transgressed blissfully in absolute harmon...
This is the continuation of the story that shows how a person is busy with the IPL than to be with f... This is the continuation of the story that shows how a person is busy with the I...
Closing her eyes, she patiently waited for the up-surging chain of thoughts to pass by... Closing her eyes, she patiently waited for the up-surging chain of thoughts to p...