I am professionally a graphic and web designer and like to read and write stories sometimes.
He could see clearly what his naked eye couldn’t, the trigger to the tragedy, the initiator of a sur... He could see clearly what his naked eye couldn’t, the trigger to the tragedy, th...
“What’s the guarantee that you will get him back? There’s none. You are just depriving yourself of a... “What’s the guarantee that you will get him back? There’s none. You are just dep...
‘I am a feminist because that’s the only way I can get myself to be liked by girls. ‘I am a feminist because that’s the only way I can get myself to be liked by gir...
Now I have realized, things happen for a purpose. No doubt how much you pretend to be an atheist, th... Now I have realized, things happen for a purpose. No doubt how much you pretend ...
A creepy sound of laughter sprung out besides my compartment to wake me up from my semi asleep state... A creepy sound of laughter sprung out besides my compartment to wake me up from ...