Reputation is what people think you are, personality is what you seem to be, character is what you really are.
Were enough to kill enough self-esteem. Were enough to kill enough self-esteem.
And birds coming from the south. And birds coming from the south.
Mind the gap between us. Mind the gap between us.
I'm so tired, so I think I deserve it. I'm so tired, so I think I deserve it.
The last pages of notebooks are tattooed with desires. The last pages of notebooks are tattooed with desires.
No sir no sir, I won’t tell anyone. Yes sir yes sir, I’ll keep my mouth shut as long as you want ... No sir no sir, I won’t tell anyone. Yes sir yes sir, I’ll keep my mouth shut ...
And I can find you in the loft you run away from the ghost. And I can find you in the loft you run away from the ghost.
Trees are laden with mangoes, Loo blowing on the land doing Tango! Trees are laden with mangoes, Loo blowing on the land doing Tango!
For one day, not to struggle. For one day, not to struggle.