The Best Revenge

The Best Revenge

2 mins

Once there lived a girl named Ruhi. Though she belonged to a middle-class family, she was brought up as a princess as she got all her demands fulfilled. She thought herself to be the most beloved member of the family. In her childhood she just saw the bright side of the world. But, as she grew up she experienced the dark side of the cruel world. She got to know about the planings made by her grandma & her aunt. Almost her everything was taken over by her aunt's whom she thought very loyal but actually greedy. They were just left with one floor their house. Moreover than this she was more shocked to hear the reason which was "she was a daughter & a daughter can never be a capable heir". This hurted her sentiments. She was neither good in her academics. Though everyone thought that

she couldn't succeed in life but her parents solemnly trusted her. She thought,"What though others call me a looser, I'll be a winner because every great people face failure in first attempt, nothing is impossible as I'm possible. " She devoted herself in writing. She penned down her feelings in form of poems. Though initially she faced failure, later on she became the best poet of her genre. She reached the peak of her success. In an award show when she was asked to say about her journey, she told," When everything was taken away from me, I was quiet not blind. I prepared myself for taking a revenge butI waitedfor the right opportunity to show that a girl can do everything & today my success is taking the revenge. Don't waste your precious words, let the world see what you can do."

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