The River Of Love
The River Of Love

The love is the inner feeling, expression of one river ,
who flows down to mingle with the ocean of love,
the river's heart is overwhelmed, the waves knew no bound just overflowed ,
that is the nature or virtue of the river ,
it gives water sweet water to all
even if it dries, again is fulfilled by heavy rain, blessing of god,
Lord Siva holds river Ganga the most holy goddess in his head
the violent current or waves fall as a fall in the forest,
the coolest water soothing the thirst of thousands,
the river flows from mountain, the king of himawat, himallayan mountain range.
At last it reached at the destiny of her life a vast ocean,
waiting for her to embrace.
river is compared with woman love,
which brings fulfilment with love of ocean ,
one is sensual energetic, quenching the thirst of many,
other is vast eternity and spiritual like ocean.
as the
giver of mercy and love you can look upon
A large number of species of plants and animals, she holds,
She is a source of life,
like an atman or soul which merges with supreme soul, parmatama (0cean).
because of the ever moving water ,
exactly in the same manner,
you cannot walk through the river twice ,,
people make bridge bind water in a force,,
the flow of water is natural and suggestive,,
to get more current and energy too,,,
it is again polluted with all waste but,
it is not perverted with the virtue in it,,,
it is worshipped as the goddess of eternity, piousness forever,,
it passes through many paths, hard, stone, mountain rocks,
fertile lands, dense forest,,,,
she has seen various lifes,,
she knows how to pacify, overflowing spiritual as well as a sensual peace to many,,,
satisfying their thirst of desires and desires of many....