Shritama Ghorui

Children Stories Inspirational


Shritama Ghorui

Children Stories Inspirational

Winners are those who never Quit

Winners are those who never Quit

4 mins

It was room12 of the Pearl rosary high school, a reputed English medium school. All students of class 11 generally sat there and they were waiting for the bell because after school the winners of the competition "whowillbescientist" will be announced. So students were very eager to know the name of the lucky winners. So, nobody was attentive to the ongoing class. Everybody in class 11 was expecting Pretty's name on the winner's list because she was the most wanted beautiful girl in that class. A sweet but not too pretty girl named Rahi also participated but none could think of her to be the winner.

Finally, the school bell rang, everybody ran to the assembly ground at a high speed. Preeti got the first position but Rahi did not. She became disheartened and all others laughed at her. And though Preeti was a wonderful girl in the study but very rude to innocents like Rahi and always showed off her aristocracy to the middle classes and economically weaken students. And Rahi did not hate anyone but dislike this kind of egocentric behavior. Preeti came forward and smirked and taunted"Science is not possible for you, poor little girl. Just leave it. ok"Embarrassed by that, Rahi ran straight to the bus stop and reached the house by a local bus. Rahi loved science too much and used scientific theories, postulates in her daily life. She was a creative, honest, curious, helpful, and obedient philanthropic girl.

As soon as she reached the house she sat on her bed with the eyes facing the ceiling of the room and cried a lot and her mom realizing the incident entered her room silently after a few minutes. Then she sat by her side and ran her fingers through her hair gently and rubbed her wet face with a hankie. Rahi hugged her mom said"Why do I not get a position, mom? Am I not capable?"Mom smiled and replied with a gentle voice, "To achieve a goal, a person not only needs to work hard but also love the work and most importantly accept the failures and go ahead. There will be a lot of hurdles and these will help you to make a stronger version of yourself. And to win in any field, you need to be aware of these valuable words and you have to move to higher steps with a positive mind.

Remember Rahi, winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit. Understand. Now, take rest."Rahi's spirit rose and smiled at her mom. Mom went outside. Rahi laid on her bed and lost into her scientific logical thoughts. And suddenly a nice idea stuck in her mind. She told to herself "Our life is like atoms because both negative and positive sides are required to make it entirely neutral. And our activities are somewhat similar to those of electrons. Because whenever we get angry we get relieved after unleashing the anger on someone or throwing pieces of stuff here and there. And electrons also release energy by emitting spectrum whenever it jumps to unstable states." with this idea she developed a theory and decided to submit in the next competition.

One year passed, all students sat with their respective parents in a grand embellished school auditorium and waiting for the result of the competition"whowillbescientist".After the long wait teacher approached the stage and announced"Winner of 2020 whowillbescientist" is Rahi Sinha."Rahi climbed two stairs to receive the nice trophy and prestigious certificate and asked to give a short speech because Rahi's theory was recognized as one of the outstanding theories by judges.

Rahi approached the mike and started, "First of all I want to thank my mom and teachers. Secondly, I have nothing much to say, learn from failures, and believe in yourself and discover yourself. Ignore other's worst compliments given to you by anyone and try to be positive. One more thing..."Rahi took a glance at her mother who was smiling with pride and said "Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit. Try to be #Newyou" Everybody in the hall stood up and applauded. After the end of the program, Rahi came face to face with Preeti, and to her surprise, "I am very sorry for my conduct, and congrats" and had gone. Rahi looked at her mom and realized the power of positivity and accepting failures in life.

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