Unpopular Opinion On Darkness
Unpopular Opinion On Darkness

“There was a moment, I know, when I was under in the dark, that something…
Whatever I’d been reduced to, not even consciousness, just a vague
Awareness in the dark. I could feel my definitions fading. And
Beneath that darkness there was another kind—it was deeper—warm, like a substance.”
What is it about finding the light that makes our life tough? Why is it that we struggle every day to find things that make us happy? Why can’t there be light in my room when I close all the doors and windows, why am I required to look to the lamps to give me some light? Why is space so dark and why are we able to see only 4% of it? Who is hiding the rest of the space from us, what’s stopping me to always have light in my room, why can’t I be happy all the time, and why is it that I must look towards an inspirational thing to get inspired? I just want to see light by default. No mods, no patches, and no adjustments.
All this makes me wonder if we are doing the universe a wrong. I wonder whether our existence has given life a reverse meaning. Maybe we were not meant to be afraid of failures, a society where downfalls were considered a trivial thing just like cooking and sleeping, and mistakes resulted in motivation and not regret. What if all this led us to not hunt for happiness, instead accept it as it comes and when it comes, what if we were at this level of peace where we would not get overly rejoiced at some success and drastically depressed at some failure, what if we weighed both happiness and sadness equally, you know that kind of level where it all just felt the same? Is there a possibility that we could have had this instead of what we have? Or would this make living a monotonous symphony? I would say that seeing light is not just about seeing light, it is about feeling light in the dark too, wouldn’t it be great if we looked towards all the sadness and unfortunate happenings of this world too, so to be inspired! Now I am not asking you to make this your way of living, I am just wondering what would happen if you experiment with this idea in your life, try seeing what it does
to you and the balance of this universe. You see, now it's not just about seeing light or finding the light, it is about feeling it. The feeling that it is just one thing; a muddy field and a grassy patch, a good song and a bad song, a blossoming flower and a dying tree, sorrow, and joy, success and failure, revenge and forgiveness, an image of yourself and what people need you to be, relationship with your mind and your heart, yourself and everyone else. I wonder what the world would be if it all felt the same! There is right and wrong because we weigh these things differently, when in fact they are just one. I know everyone desires to live in a world where there is nothing right and nothing wrong, where you can do everything, and freedom knows no bounds. Well, it is here, the world we are speaking of is here, only that we don’t see it the way it wants us to. And when we do this, we would realize that the world is happening, it's not being done or shoved to us.
So then, what I am suggesting to you is, maybe if finding the light is tough, we shouldn’t bother finding it, instead, we should develop a feeling of it being there in the dark too, after all, maybe this light wasn’t meant for us to be seen but to be felt only. And then, you don’t have to worry about doors and windows to be opened to let some light in, because now the light is within you, you have felt it and you are content with what you have felt. You’d be surprised to know that we exist because of this 96% dark universe, this darkness is holding all the cosmic arena, a stage for us to perform our little daily tricks, then why be afraid of it?
Happiness and sadness; is just a societal standard. Darkness is not the opposite of light, it’s the absence of it, and so if we are able to see even the tiniest bit of light that we see, it's never dark. There are not millions of feelings, it's just one, and it is of living. Feel it, and we will never be scared. We are one, and no one can differentiate us. This is the dreamland that we have dreamt of, and we are living it. We are just a way; what an ocean does to the waves, the universe does to us.