Tiny But Powerful
Tiny But Powerful
Once upon a time there was an elephant. He was roaming as the head of that area. Whenever he wants, he breaks the branches of trees and fulfills his diet. Every day he used to go on a road where several ants were living together. They collect their food and stored it in their respective homes. They always maintain a line while going out and coming back to their home. Whenever that elephant goes on that road, he used to tease them and destroy their home, food and sometimes even kill a few ants by his heavy feet. The ants were at a great loss. He was always feeling proud of his heavy body and underestimated those tiny ants.
One day all ants planned to teach a lesson to that elephant. While he was sleeping, the head of the ant family entered his ear. After a few minutes, the elephant got disturbed and woke up. He w
as feeling restlessness and gradually that restlessness converted into irritation and pain.
The elephant came to those ants and asked for help. One of the lady ant said, "We are tiny creatures, how can we help such a big animal like you? Sorry, we cannot." Then the elephant begged a lot and lie down in front of them. Asked them to forgive him for all the insults he has done before towards them.
Seeing the elephant in pain, the lady ant called her husband to come out of his ear. After his come back, the elephant was relaxed and showed his gratitude to them. He told them neither to put them in trouble nor to insult them anymore.
All were happy and relaxed.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Never underestimate anyone. We all are beautiful creatures made by God with some purpose.