Harshad Gowda

Children Stories Drama Fantasy


Harshad Gowda

Children Stories Drama Fantasy

Time Machine - War - (Part-3)

Time Machine - War - (Part-3)

8 mins

We said “WHATT!!!!” the statue asked “Are you scared?” We said “No! We are not scared”. The statue said “Then go and fight!” I said “Okay! The world needs us! The world needs the ‘Custodians of the world’!” We all siblings said “Okay! So it’s the show time!” I said “So let’s go!” The statue said “Be careful you are still not trained to fight!” We said “We will manage”. The statue said “It’s not as easy as your thinking” we said “Okay! We’ll go as the world needs us!” We went to our home and as soon as we entered the house our father asked where were you all?” we said “A miracle happened!” My father said “forget it and say where are the fruits?” before we could say anything my father said “You all came empty handed, it means you all forgot to bring! Am I right?” We said “Yes” in a low voice.

My father said “No problem, you sit and have food and I’ll bring the fruits afterwards” and went to the store room. My mother said “Your father is in a good mood, he didn’t even react”. We sat down for eating our food and my father came with a huge stick. We all shouted “NO STICK!! We are sorry!” then suddenly a stick came flying towards Hing’s hand. He said Humaie came!” my father asked “What’s that! What do you mean by Humaie? We said the whole story and my father said “My grandma used to say stories about Tungsen women and the other superheroes. My sister asked, “Do you know how to get into super hero form?” My father said “Say your team’s name!” we said "custodians of the world" and we turned into super heroes and my costume was made of some type of metal with a cloth hanging from my neck”.

Swamin said “WOW! I can imagine how smart you all were looking, can you please show your costume now?”. Electric man said “Custodians of the world” and he turned in his super hero form and he was looking so cool like superman but with a grey suit. I said "please continue it’s becoming intrestring now". Electric man said “Then suddenly a huge vehicle came from the sky and a man came out and said “Hi pal! I’m Guri from Mars and I’m from ‘Custodians of Mars’. We said “Hi!” and Guri said “Get ready for the war”. We asked “War? Which war?” Guri said “The statue gave you the powers for fighting in this war”. We said “We are still not prepared for the war!” Guri said “Custodians of the Mars are also joining you all!” then suddenly a huge spaceship came and Guri said “Custodians of the Mars have came!” then again a huge spaceship about 500 ft landed and Guri said “It’s the show time!” I and my siblings shouted “CUSTODIANS OF THE WORLD!!” and the custodians of the Mars shouted “CUSTODIANS OF THE MARS!” then the doors of the spaceship opened and a man who was blue skinned came out and shouted “HIKAMBO!!”

Then more 10 such spaceships landed and I said “We are gone!!” Guri said “We can do it!” then all the spaceship’s doors opened and thousands came running towards us with weapons. I asked “Is this our first or last fight?” Guri said “Don’t worry, Point your fingers towards the sky and then point towards the ground!” I pointed my finger towards the sky, the surroundings and my finger started sparking! And when I pointed towards the ground all the thousands who where were running towards us started turning into ashes due to the electricity I got from the surroundings and from my suit. Then more people came running but in millions! We were bit confident after killing thousands at a time. I did the same again but only few died, so everyone joined me. I was shooting electricity, Xuang made hard shell and threw it on air and Hing hit the shells with his stick humaie, the shell was acting as the missile and the stick acted as the launcher.

Tungsen women launched missiles, Volcano women asked Guri “How can I launch volcano?” Guri said “Touch the ground and then point towards the spaceships from which they are coming out”. When she touched the ground nothing happened but when she started taking her hand up, the land started cracking and lava started coming out! She asked “what is happening!” Guri said “This lava will spread and the nebulians will melt”. I said panting “who are nebulians?” Guri said “We are fighting with people of nebula system who have conquered ‘Kelper 350’ and are here to conquer Earth”. I said “Wow! We are fighting without knowing whom we are fighting with”. Guri said “Stop your drama and fight!” I said “Ok grandpa Guri!” then Water women asked “Guri if your fight is over then can I know how to shoot ice?” Guri said “Your suit has a digital assistant, clap three times your assistant will be actived and ask her whatever you want”. Swamin interrupted and asked Electric man “which year is going on now?” Electric man said “1159”. I asked “Wow! People got digital assistants in 19 century and your sister got before 1159”.

Swamin said “Please continue”. Electric man said “Her digital assistant's name was Nick, she asked Nick “How can I shoot ice balls?” nick said “Say, activate ice balls and then select the size and then show you hand towards whom you want to shoot”. She said “Thank you Nick” Nick said “It was my duty". Water women said “Activate Ice balls!” Nick said “Activated Ice balls, please select the size” she selected large and a mountain sized ice berg fell on the ground from the sky and killed around one thousand nebulians. She said “Wow!” then Volcano women said “Lava is spreading across the village!” Xuang said “I’ll put a shell so that the lava couldn’t get spread out of the battle ground, but the volcano melted the shell also. I teased my twin “Lulu baby, your small sister is stronger than you, Ha! Ha! Ha!” then water women said “Nick acticate the coldest water in the universe!”

Nick said “activated!” When she sprayed towards the ground the volcano evaporated. All the nebulians had died so everyone removed their suit except me as I wanted to wear some more time as I was looking smart but then suddenly a huge space ship came and fired arrows and it went through my all siblings’ body except me as my suit protected me. All the powers came out of their body and entered my body as they were dead and the ‘Custodians of the Mars’ were also not there as they went back to Mars. As I got all the powers, I got a new suit. It was like tungsen woman’s suit with humaie, my suit was sparkling and nick said “Custodian 7.0 is activated. Then a arrow hit my suit and the arrow melted. These all things happen within a second. I ran towards my siblings and started sobbing and shouted “AAAAHHHHH!!!” then I got angry and flew up in the air and hit the ground and lava, freezing water, humaie, shell, electricity, missile hit the universe when the whole universe was paused as I even had illusion man’s power and the whole nebula and nebulians turned into ashes, but lot’s of natural disaster occurred, planets collided with each other and the whole universe was damaged.” Swamin said “OH! What a sad story”

I asked “All nebulians were dead, then who is going to attack the world?” He said “but a man from kalins galaxy was controlling them, he was the one who killed my siblings for their powers and now he is coming for my powers to rule the whole universe using the powers. So he is going to attack the Earth and you’ll save the planet. We said “listening to your sad story, we are ready to save the world!” then suddenly a huge spaceship landed and I said “OMG!!” and then a man with super hero out fit came out and said “Thank you friend for doing my work easy!” Electric man said “I couldn’t understood what are you saying Guri” then Guri said “I have a surprise for you!” and then a tall man came and said “Hi, 7.0!” then electric man said “You betrayed me!” Guri said “OH! Baby I have one more suprise!” then lot’s of dead people were bought out of the spaceship. Electric man said “Why did you killed ‘Gaurdians of the Mars’?"

Guri said “don’t worry, because you and these kids are the next to be killed!” then the electric man started chanting some mantras and a light came into our body from his body and he removed the time machine from his pocket and pressed the tenth button and it took us inside it and we again landed in museum with the electric man. I asked “Do you know to operate it?” he said “I only made it to call you guys!” we said “Okay! You can stay in our home for somedays”.

We quickly went out because we spent many days in the time machine journey and we ran towards our teacher and said “Sorry ma’am, we are late” our ma’am said, “Only a few minutes have passed after entering this room, you aren’t late”. We said “WHATT!! ONLY a FEW MINUTES!!” our ma’am said “YES! Please don’t shout and stand in a line. Then Swamin said " Where is the electric man! Find him! He will get lost in this new world” then Electric man said, “Hey, kids come here I want to share a secret!”

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