Abhipsa Jena

Children Stories


Abhipsa Jena

Children Stories

The Wolf learnt a Lesson

The Wolf learnt a Lesson

3 mins

Once, a zebra lost his way when he was going through a forest. Still he was proceeding without Fear.    The zebra didn't lost the confidence of reaching his shelter soon. He thought that he could reach the place in a few minutes journey.   Because of the long journey the zebra was hungry. He found a grassy land and a pond full of water at a distance.   The zebra decided to gaze the grass and drink the water and so he reached that place. The zebra was grazing the grass joyously.    At that time a wolf passed that way. It saw the zebra and pleased to think, "I have a delicious feast today. It shall have my friend to accompany me in the feast. Until then, it can graze."  Then the wolf moved away silently. The wolf's friend, Jackal was sleeping deeply at a distance.

The wolf woke up the Jackal. The Jackal asked in the sleepy mood, "why do spoil my sleep?"   The wolf said,"Hello friend!It is not the time for sleeping. we have a good feast today. So, come along with me without delaying."  "Tell me in detail."   "First, you get up. I tell you everything on the way. Otherwise, that animal may go somewhere. Be quick."   Then the wolf and the Jackal were proceeding to the spot where the zebra was grazing. They reached the spot.    The wolf showed the zebra to the Jackal and said,"Look at the black-lined animal. I was telling about it."   "I too have not so far seen such an animal. It looks like an assignment as well as a horse."  "Let u

s enquire it," said so, both the wolf and the Jackal went near the zebra. But the zebra was grazing as though he didn't notice.  

 "Hey, . . . who are you? Where are you from?We have not seen you before?"asked the wolf.    Though the zebra knew that they were cruel animals, he was not afraid of them and replied boldly, "I was sent by the angles from Heaven."  The wolf and the Jackal astonished to hear."What?.. Did you come from heaven?"wondered they.   "Yes. . . It is true," replied the zebra." we don't believe you, "Jackal unbelievingly said.   "Why should I lie to you?"the zebra asked.   "Can you prove it?"   "Yes. I can. It is written at the bottom of my foot. If you want you can read it," said the zebra.   The Jackal thought the zebra was spinning a plot and said, "I can't read it and so the wolf will read what is written."  

 The wolf, unwilling to show that it was unable to read, said, "okay, show me your leg. I read it."   Then the wolf sat behind the zebra near his leg. The zebra showed one his legs lifting near the wolf's face.   The wolf looked at it and said, "There is nothing written here."The zebra said, "look at carefully," and kicked the wolf with his full strength.   There was bleeding from the wolf's mouth and it lost some of its teeth. with unbearable pain, the wolf ran away.   The Jackal too followed the wolf to escape from the zebra. The zebra happily and fearlessly marched towards his shelter.

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