Life Without Fear
Life Without Fear

Once a city rat went to a village to visit a village rat. The village rat warmly welcomed the city rat. The village rat lived in the fields and had its food from the fields. The city rat too got its food from the fields but it became bored of having the same taste of food grains. The city rat wanted to offer the village rat the city food of different tastes. So it told the village rat, "Hey, you do come to the city with me. You can have different tastes of food there."The village rat became very curious to hear this. Both the rats came to the city and sheltered in a hole of a house. The people in that house celebrated a function and so they prepared different varieties of food. The flavor induced them to taste that food at once and their mouths watered. The village rat asked, "Shall we have the food at once?" The city rat replied, "Don't be hurry. You can't have the food
at any time. We can have them when no one is there."The village rat became helpless on hearing this. The city rat further added, "Be patient. We can have as we desire from the remaining of the food after all they finish their eating. Both the rats we're waiting patiently. After the dinner was over, the rats came out of the hole and stealthily entered the kitchen. But the cook noticed the rats entering and threw a wooden block at the rats. But, by God's grace, both the rats escaped from there and rushed to the hole. The village rat was shivering in fear and it was trembling. So the village rat told the city rat, "Here we cannot have food without Fear when we are hungry. This seems to be hell. But in our village, we have our food freely and eat it without any fear, though it is simple and the same taste," said so, the village rat returned to the village and lived happily.