The Silent Night
The Silent Night

Once there lived six friends, Arnav, Fattu, Ravi, Shankar, Ria and Tia. They lived in a small village, Tigdamdham. They once decided to go to London as the big fair was about to start. They reached London and began to see the wonders of the fair. There were several games, food stalls, and rides. They were astonished, for they had never a fair as majestic like this. They went in different directions to explore the fair. Arnav declared that the great Ferris wheel would be their last ride.
After having the joy of various games, they met near the enormous ferris wheel. They paid their fares and climbed aboard. As they were enjoying the ride, a tragedy took place. The lights, the people everything looked deserted. They felt weird, as just some time ago the fair was hustling and bustling with crowd. They looked around frantically, but couldn't find their other groupmates except for the one they were sitting next to. After one of the pair climbed down, the other pairs sensed that someone other than themselves was also present. Soon after, they realised that the other people were none other then their own groupmates.
They then started conversing amongst themselves, and gained the knowledge that they had travelled through time and were invisible to other pairs but they could hear each others voice. They decided to explore more. They walked out of the park, coming across an old church from where loud screams could be heard. They went inside to inv
Finding that there was a bunch of people gathered near horrific witches who wore dirty rags and having shrivelled skin, they felt shell shocked.
The source of the screams were the witches, who were being tortured. They were throwing holy water, and hitting them by saying "may holy Jesus kill the evil witches. " Pitying the witches, the friends hatched a plan to save them from the people. As the people could not see or hear them, Fattu, Ravi and Shankar would distract and scare them by dropping random things that were present in the church. While the people were getting distracted Arnav, Ria and Tia would lead the witches to the exit. They came into action. After the plan was executed sucessfully, the people were furious as the witches had escaped. The people immediately started looking for them. They couldn't find the witches and returned into the church in complete rage.
The friends had led the witches in a very safe place where no one could find them. The witches were extremely grateful to the friends and seeing how kind they were, the witches promised to become good. The friends then bid the witches goodbye. The witches stopped them by insisting them to take them along with them to the present as they were in the past. The friends agreed.
So, now, whenever we say that there is a monster under the bed or in the cupboard know the the witches are cleaning the dusty place and are protecting you from worse.