The Shiva
The Shiva

“Son, please pump in so much poison that either the cancer or I stay in this body. I have to become Shiva, even if I prefer it or not. Now, the fight is between my resolve and cancer.” Said Dr. Alok Swaroop to Dr. Puneet. Dr.Alok who was once the most respected professor in Dr.Puneet’s college was now a patient.
Puneet knew that the cancer was in fourth stage and literally there was no hope for his survival but he began the treatment.
Alok tolerated the first chemo with some difficulty but he just could not bear the second chemo. He was bedridden. Ulcers had formed in his
mouth and bowels. The tongue had become swollen. Forget about eating, he couldn’t even drink water. His skin had turned dark due to radiotherapy. The third round of chemo and radiotherapy had made him worse and half-dead. He could only open his eyes.
Puneet was waiting for the last report. His joy knew no bounds when he saw that the cancer was destroyed. He came running to give the news to Alok who just lay there motionless. All the equipment was showing signs of impending death. Puneet was distraught and slumped with his hands and head buried in the bed. Suddenly he realized that the professor’s hand was trying to rest it on Puneet’s head. Alok’s resolve had won.