Araav Mohapatra

Children Stories Horror Thriller


Araav Mohapatra

Children Stories Horror Thriller

The Mysterious Friend

The Mysterious Friend

2 mins

One day my friend Tom and I were sitting in my room playing cards while my parents were in another room watching TV. Suddenly the lights went out. I asked my friend to go and check what might have happened to the connection. A few moments later the lights came back but my friend did not. I went looking for him and saw the living room window open. When I looked out of the window I saw my friend lying down on the floor dead. I quickly went out to help him but saw that he was not even there. Right then my parents came out and took me back inside the house.

A few days later my doorbell rang. It was 9 pm in the night and all of us were eating dinner. My mom opened the door and I saw that Tom was standing at the entrance. I totally freaked out. He looked alright. He was behaving normally. He played with me like a normal person. When it was time for him to go back home, my parents asked me to drop him near the gate. I to

ld them I did not want to but I had no choice. When we were halfway there, Tom suddenly stopped. I told him to keep walking but he kept singing a tune. Gathering some courage I asked him what had happened to him on that day. When he looked up I saw his face was half burnt. The only thing I had in my mind at that moment was to turn back and RUN!! I ran as fast as I could!! As soon as I reached my home, I rang the doorbell continuously until my parents opened it. I did not tell my parents anything about what happened and went directly to bed. While I was lying on my bed, I heard the same tune. I closed my eyes, avoided it and slept.

Tom never came to play after that day. A few days later we heard Tom had left the apartment. My mom gave me a letter that Tom had written to me. He had written, "REMEMBER THIS DATE, 31 DEC, 11:59 PM". I always think of that date and the night, it was the same night I had that experience.

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