The Love Of Our Fathers

The Love Of Our Fathers

1 min

We all know the love that our mothers give us. They will be there when we get hurt to tend to our wounds whether physical or emotional. Their warm hugs and reassuring smiles make us feel safe.

But the love of our fathers is different altogether. Our fathers scold us when we do something wrong. They will never give in to our unnecessary demands no matter how hard we try. But they support us in a way that no one does.

When we fall, their first instinct may be to pick us up, but they don't, they let us get up by ourselves so that we may know how it feels like to overcome our fear of falling. When we are hurt, they may not offer a warm hug but they comfort us by letting us know that they are there to support us.

Such is the love of our fathers, they don't show it but they love us so much that they will sacrifice their dreams to make ours come true.

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