Sudhanshu Shekhar

Children Stories Romance


Sudhanshu Shekhar

Children Stories Romance

The love of fairy

The love of fairy

4 mins

Some time ago there was a pixie. Who lives in heaven with another pixies. The pixie name was Tulip. What's more she had a tremendous love in her and furthermore for other people. So on one occasion she was playing a woodwind at heaven that woodwind was exquisite yet there was an explanation that the flute sucks the sort of adoration for pixie Tulip. However at that point likewise the flute didn't crushed in absence of adoration with Tulip. As she had parcel of affection. So pixie mother loves her. In any case, pixie mother knowing nothing about woodwind for that was old and should be midsection yet just one power, which was sucking of adoration to any one subsequent to singing. As that woodwind was old however like a Jurassic sort. So one day when pixie mother was cleaning the heaven royal residence then she observed an explanation that she sold the old things of heaven in to the market of earth with the assistance of midget. Also in the things which was sold there was a mysterious woodwind of Tulip pixie?

                There was a city whose name was Growth and there was a kid who was residing in his home. Whose name was Acta. So kid was an understudy of school. The name of the school was Lease school.

            There were numerous companions of Acta. And all affection each other however at that point additionally as far as adoration Acta feel that adoration is exhausting subject and it should kill me. And furthermore in coming this valentine day at school no any young lady companion of Acta was there to realize that the affection is valuable. Also he should realize what is love?

                           Answer me god, I'm love less mercifully spread a benevolence heart who will cherish me? The response was to no end.

                There was a woman educator of Acta whose name was Crype. She came in Acta school name Lease school. She was not so lovely however the entirety of her understudy like her. Furthermore understudies don't realize that from where she came from in our school? So when she considered the Acta kid and told that Acta kindly, take care of my one responsibilities. Acta determined what is the work? Crype instructor told that kindly take this pencil and I'm giving you a shop address go there and deal this pencil with a woodwind and return at me.

Then, at that point, Acta went at the old shop and gave the pencil to businessperson and told that if it's not too much trouble, bargain this. So retailer gave a woodwind to Acta and businessperson was not a straightforward retailer. He was performer businessperson. Furthermore what was that, that he does the sorcery on Acta and Acta changed over into villain individual. Also Acta came at Crype instructor. At the point when the instructor realizes that the Acta is villain then Crype became cheerful and told to Acta that kindly give her woodwind. So Acta gave the flute to Crype educator. What's more Crype was not a main instructor but rather she was a shrewd pixie of heaven.

                        So Crype comes to at heaven and told that now I'm strong and just a single pixie is my foe for just her adoration stop my villain soul. So most importantly I will battle with the Tulip pixie as she is the main strong love of heaven. Furthermore just she has the force of stopping my villain love. Then, at that point, Crype does the wizardry of woodwind the flute sucks the affection for Tulip pixie. Then, at that point, Crype imagined that now Tulip is power less and nobody is there to save her. So Crype concluded that for what reason don't she make the companion of Tulip to Acta fallen angel kid? As affection finished in Tulip pixie. What's more she can be make detained as she is weak. Then, at that point, Crype detestable pixie and Tulip came at earth and considered the Acta and told the Tulip pixie that you should make the companionship between Acta. As affection was suck by the flute and Tulip became detestable pixie so she started adoring with Acta.

It goes numerous days and it was the following valentine day and Crype malicious pixie called numerous underhanded individual and performers at this day to communicate his/her fallen angel love. Some goes among shoptalk and some have demon wizardry to end the adoration. Out of all individual one smaller person was there who came to Crype and took the flute and started singing. As bantam needs end the affection for each one. Likewise they were demon so in cast of eagerness that who will end the affection first it started a fight and the flute was broken by the hands of midget and other fallen angel performer?


       Also Tulip pixie inside affection again emerges and she does the sorcery on Acta. Acta turned out to be great kid and Tulip does a wizardry on Crype. The Crype crushed in the battle and Acta and Tulip became companions until the end of time.

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