Shreya hongadu .

Children Stories Drama Classics


Shreya hongadu .

Children Stories Drama Classics

The Lesson on Friendship

The Lesson on Friendship

2 mins

Once upon a time there were two girls named Lily and Mary. Their families were together since their childhood, they even went to the same school, and however the girls did not like each other at all. In spite of being neighbours, they never played together, and never sat beside each other in school.

One day at school, their teacher told them a story of being kind and helpful. They were greatly touched by the story. After they came home, Lily went to ride her bicycle. When she was riding, she thought that someone called her and she looked back but she failed to realize that there was a speed breaker ahead. Unluckily, she lost the balance, the cycle fell to the right and she crashed to the ground hurting her knee. She was

severely hurt. There was no one to help her. While Mary was coming back from her tuition, she saw that Lily had fallen from her cycle, hurting her knee. At first, she ignored, but then she remembered the story of being kind and helpful that her teacher had told her. She ran to help her. Mary lifted her up and took her to her house. Mary told her mother to clean the wound and apply antiseptic cream. Lily was told to rest while Mary took good care of her.

They realized that what they thought for each other was wrong. They understood what true friendship means. They forgot all the hatred that they had for each other and became good friends. After that, they were always together, played with each other and sat beside each other in school.

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