The Lazy Bird
The Lazy Bird

There was a beautiful pond in the forest. Many animals and birds lived near the pond. There were five friends, a crow and four sparrows. One sparrow was lazy. Every morning they go to some other places in search of food except the lazy sparrow. They used to give some food to the lazy sparrow once they returned. After some days all the birds came and informed the lazy sparrow that they can't give food hereafter. Also, asked the lazy bird to come and join them in search of food. But the lazy bird did not listen to its fr
iend's words and started quarreling with them and made its own best and lived alone. The friend asked the lazy bird to store food because the winter season was going to start, but the lazy bird played in the pond whole day.
Winter season started, there was a storm and damaged the lazy bird's nest and said that it was suffering without nest and asked them to provide food and accommodation. Also, it was saying that it has realised its mistake and henceforth it will not be lazy.
Birds lived happily.