Praneetha Syamson

Children Stories Horror Thriller


Praneetha Syamson

Children Stories Horror Thriller

The Corner

The Corner

2 mins

Living in the modern era, Tina never believed in ghosts and all the paranormal activities that her friends discussed with her. She was a casual teenager with a clear mind, having a group of friends around. On a particular Sunday, when her parents were away from town, Tina was called by her neighbor to spend time, talk and know about each other. She suddenly started telling about some mysterious events that took place in her life over the past 2 years. Though Tina didn't believe all this stuff... She didn't have a choice but to hear the whole story. So it went on like this. 

  "Before marraige I stayed in my house all alone for 5 years as my parents were living in another place. Every night seemed to be a scary one. People around never believed what I said but it was truly scary. On the bench over there at the pavement... "she said with a slow and creepy voice pointing towards the pavement "there was a person every night sitting pointing towards your house with a scary face"......

  Looking at that bench and laughing within herself Tina turned her face towards the neighbor... To her surprise she wasn't there!!!... This horrified Tina.... She ran home with fear... In her room she could see a white cloth flying from above... Chills ran through her spine... Suddenly there was a girl sitting at THE CORNER with a dreadful face and staring at Tina... To a girl who never believed of this stuff... It was all confused and horrific too... She could hear the girl murmuring words in a language that Tina couldn't understand.... At that moment the doorbell rang... It was Tina's parents... She told them all that has happened... Shocked and terrified... her parents said that the neighborhood house was empty since 2 years and that they went out of the town to the death ceremony of the girl who lived in that house 3 years ago. Tina shivering with shock ran to her room where she heard a terrific laugh of a teenage girl... There she found a note written... 'YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!'.....

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