The Car That Was A UFO
The Car That Was A UFO

It was a normal monsoon day in Britain. Protests, traffic jams and vandalism were a daily sight for Jake; today was a day like any other. Jake was walking to college with his friend Harry when he decided to play a prank. He said, “Look there Harry, it is a UFO!” Harry looked up. “Ha Ha! I can’t believe you fell for that prank.”
“Oh, come on, grow up we aren’t in school anymore. Besides, aliens don’t exist.”
At that moment, an alien spaceship landed near them, although not how they imagined it. A red flying jump ship, cleverly disguised as a ‘car’ passed them--though at that moment they didn’t think much of it.
A week later, most of UK was in a panic. Why you ask? There were rumors spreading that extraterrestrial beings, who supposedly looked exactly like humans, had arrived in Britain; government officials debunked it as a hoax; and theorists claimed that the aliens had already taken over most of UK. Scientists believed that the aliens travelled in a large group, and were attracted to places with a high number of people.
“I don’t believe in all this alien news. Do you?” asked Harry to Jake. “I am pretty sure that they are all a hoax,” replied Jake. Suddenly, Jake realised that Harry had a small extra ear on top of his head. “Aaahh…” Jake started to scream but stopped himself. He thought, “This Harry is not my friend. He is one of the aliens. I must be more careful from now on.”
The next day, the tension surrounding the
inevitable alien invasion increased. At Jake’s university, all the buzz was about the aliens. Then, during the Home Economics lecture, something surprising happened. Harry (the alien) and Jake were partnered up for a cake baking competition. As Harry was bringing a box of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to the prep table, some of it fell on his skin; GREEN blood started to ooze out where the soda fell but quickly stopped. Jake called his science professor, Professor Archie Medes and explained to him, “Psst psst psst psst…It’s kind of a crazy plan, but it ought to work,”
Professor Archie Medes was famous in the field of science, so he called up the British Parliament, and explained the plan: “The aliens can be identified by a distinct characteristic-they have a small and barely noticeable 3rd ear on the back of their head; they are allergic to sodium bicarbonate. We will infuse small amounts of the baking soda in the water supply of the entire country of Britain. That way, it will affect all the aliens, without harming the humans.”
One month later, in Stockholm, Sweden
“And now…the Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to Jake Williams for finding a counter to the recent alien invasion. His plan to add baking soda to the British water supply rid the aliens from this planet, flushing them out from the possessed people’s bodies.”
As the announcer walked back into the podium, a small ear came out from his curly hair…