Children Stories Fantasy Children



Children Stories Fantasy Children

Something Sinister...

Something Sinister...

61 mins

 Made by Aarav Davey!!! No one else...😀





🐎 🐴

Dear reader,

Only yesterday, one of my costumers who more or less helped me to publish my verses called me, asking how I was doing, somehow, without my permission, he changed the topic to my stories. This peculiar person doesn't know where to stop. Only last week, I delivered him  some thirty thousand words, but here he is again! He consider himself a publisher, and so he gives me royalties too. He asked me to write down a new story for children around 7 to 9, but first of all, give him the introduction. I have planned to write down the deathly devil incident of my country.

So here goes...

My name is Ben Jones, a horse dealer in a heavenly kingdom called Jwenston. Once this kingdom was ruled by Ellis,who got this Kingdom as a gift by gods. But as fate had decided, some devils came with murder in their eyes and killed the ruler. Several years passed and then there came a brave, courageous and mighty boy.

Read this book to know how he snatched Jwenston from the hands of the devils...


Ellis casted his glance at the beautiful alpenglow sky of the evening, the sky was covered with a bright pink tint, some blue clouds were also there, flying bullock cart and horse chariots were flying too. These two vehicles were the main mean of transport in the Kingdom of Jwenston. Some lanterns danced amongst the bushes in the town. The sun was low, it was moon’s time. it seemed that the stars were performing in front of an absolute dark blue curtain. That evening, most of the people living in the lower and middle town were decorating the residential area for the soul festival with soul light torches and lanterns, the soul festival was an occasion in which the soul of dead people came and visited their undead families and enjoyed.  Ellis, with his companion – Sabre the wolf watched this scenery with a great delight, Sabre was a dire wolf, who was much bigger than the biggest Siberian tiger on earth, his canines were 30cm long, his howl was so loud that it reached almost every part of the kingdom, and he was as fast as a Peregrine Falcon.

Now back to the point where Ellis and Sabre are standing at the window saw a big-black figure flying in the sky, coming closer each moment. The figure seemed to have lost directions, Ellis praised to god asking to give the figure some sense of direction. At first, Ellis thought that it was a bird or something like that, but he also noted that it was much bigger than the size of the largest bird found, but no sooner he thought this, the man who used to stand at the watchtower came and banged the door open! “How dare you open the door without my permission?” asked Ellis in anger, but “I apologize, my majesty, but I had to! Cast your glance at the sky with the scope…” was the answer, Ellis grabbed the scope from the hands of that man and peeped at the sky but exclaimed aloud! For he saw Heinous, the emperor of Atlaston, and was one of the 7 devils who were believed as the most powerful, but obviously, a single he alone was not more powerful than Ellis, “call the Battering Ram!” he yelled…  A battering ram was a siege unit used to break walls or gates; it had a flat platform with 6 wheels at a side. From this platform, four rods stood to support a shed which acted as a protection from rain and heat for the whole machine, and from this shed hanged a great pillar horizontally which used to hit the wall or the gate and pierce straight through it, creating a hole for the soldiers to cross the gate with a great ease. 

But the battering rams of this kingdom were not normal, they were flying battering ram! But Why was Heinous blundering over Jwenston? Surely he was trying to make some mischief. As the battering ram reached, Ellis sat in it and used a joystick like metal structure to control the movement of it, but no sooner he took the ram to the heights, excited Sabre led a great piercing howl, and caught the attention of each and every living thing in the Kingdom of Jwenston, and unfortunately Heinous too, he became more conscious about Ellis. But then it took no time for Ellis to find Heinous. And Ellis gave him no time to take his sword out and he struck Heinous so hard with the battering ram that he fell back to the palace of his own kingdom and broke it… The people of Atlaston insulted Heinous and Ellis got honored for defeating Heinous with such an ease. Sabre howled to mark the victory of Ellis. But on the other side, Heinous was trying to find a way to take revenge from Ellis. He thought for days and days for an idea and after some days he found one. He remember his other six devil friends ¬– Acreage was of land, Ether was of sky, Waft was of air, Hydra Vile was of water, Barrage was of fire and Frost was of ice. Heinous was sure that their victory would be certain if they will attack Ellis together. But the devils lived in the dark underworld which was unreachable for Heinous, so he called Vile the skeleton vulture, attached a note on his tail and asked him to give this note to his 6 devil friends…

As Vile swooped down to the dark underworld, he saw many flaming wonders, and the 6 devils perched on a throne made up of red amber, they were chatting and giggling. The underworld was the hell, all it had was lava, molten nickel and ground made diorite of diorite. The place was as dark as a cloud of rain. The lava was the only source of light. Every now and then, some flames jumped out of the lava lakes and fell on son some peculiar stuff, sizzling them into wafer like thing. Vile quickly flew beside Barrage, and Barrage recognized the vulture at once, he quickly stretched his hand out and waited for the vulture to perch on it, he quickly snatched the letter out of the vulture. “I think brother Heinous needs our help” he said. And after delivering his letter faithfully, vile returned to Heinous as he came. Each devil was very big and powerful, and these 7 devils who were believed as the most powerful were extremely wonderful in a bad way. But after knowing that their friend is insulted, the devils were unable to stop themselves, they snapped their fingers together and teleported in front of Heinous. “Oh dear friends, I knew that you all will come to take the revenge of mine” said Heinous in a gruff voice, “when you are planning to attack?” asked Barrage, while he exhaled ashes from his nose. “What cause is there for such hurry?” asked Heinous and “he insulted you!” was the answer. Heinous then thought for a while and said “tomorrow afternoon”, and Barrage said “ha, ha, ha now you are sounding like a pro devil” 



The devil party accepted the timing and started to get ready; they called the army of Atlaston and did all kind of preparation. The seven devils with the army of Atlaston gathered at one place. Frost whispered to Heinous “is this plan unknown to Death?” “he knows it” was the answer “in this war either we will die or Ellis will die, and all of  us are powerful, we have courage, we have done good or bad things that are marked in the history, we have some honor, Death have to take us to his palace.” 

Soon it was time for the attack, the devil party snapped their fingers and with the army, teleported to the western frontier of Jwenston. the devils knew that it was of no use to attack the whole Jwenston, and so they only fought in the important places. The watchperson jumped to his feet and yelled “oh emperor! Its Heinous and the devils” Ellis said nothing and wore his armor, called the troops of Jwenston and started to protect the kingdom, Sabre led out a piercing howl which marked the start of the Great War. Some infantry units were walking while the others along with the archer units were perched on the siege engines. And due to their high mobility, the cavalry units were the first to attack, then the battering rams destroyed the gates and walls and all the units entered the residential area, the industrial area,  the commercial area and finally broke into the storage area. Ellis also deployed his army. But as Barrage touched the arcuballistas, they went up in flames and discharged flaming arrows, because of the power of Hydra Vile, the mangonels threw balls which created floods, because of Waft, the projectiles of trebuchet created cyclones. There were chaos all around, Ellis fought fiercely while Sabre ate the troops of Atlaston. It was good for Sabre, he was having a great meal at the battlefield. The infantry units were bane of only other infantry units, archer units were bane of infantry units and other archer units, cavalry units were bane of archer units and other cavalry units while siege engines were only meant for the destruction of the kingdom. Jwenston suffered the great losses, battering ram destroyed the houses and buildings, arcuballista burned all the crops and trebuchets created cyclones, Hydra Vile flooded the whole kingdom. Jwenston, which was gifted to Ellis by the supreme Deities, seemed to have lost its heavenliness. The fire sizzled up everything, even in the place of the Jwenston Palace, there was a weak foundation standing. The smoke rose from everything, and the winds carried it over a great distance. Many people died because of suffocation. The war elephants even trembled in fear, wondering which way to go. This afternoon, the sun shined, but the light did not reached Jwenston, for the smoke and fire and all kind of pollution and destruction had woven themselves around Jwenston.

And soon there were only Ellis, Sabre and some commoners standing. The whole army of Jwenston got destroyed. And now it was Sabre’s turn, Barrage threw a bucket of hot molten titanium on Sabre’s mouth and as it cooled, it sealed his mouth doesn’t even allowing him to howl. The Heinous placed him on the trebuchet and threw him in the sky. And after watching Sabre die, Ellis got crazy and ran straight towards the Devil party, but now his time has come. Barrage, just like a dragon, exhaled flames from his mouth and sizzled poor Ellis, now there was no Ellis in Jwenston, except a coward commoner whose name was Ellis. There were lots and lots of ashes in the place where Ellis stood. Waft found that the land of Jwenston was dirty because of the ashes of Ellis, and so he used all his power into a final effort and exhaled an enormous supercell storm, which carried the ashes of Ellis far away in the midst of a canyon.

There were only some commoners left behind in the kingdom of Jwenston, they all were yelling and crying for Ellis, but… their and the devil party’s attention was caught by something wearing a dark blue coloured robe, it seemed that if a single drop of black colour fall on his robe, it would turn black, the robe seemed to be too big for that man, he was riding a horse, a black horse which was much bigger and faster than a normal horse, his face was not visible because of the hood of his robe. The man looked very dangerous, he and his were covered with lots and lots of black “it is Death!” said Heinous, Death was the god of Death and Devil of Death too. Death perhaps came to observe the condition of the heavenly Jwenston. he didn’t stoped, he just glanced here and there. At this moment, Death’s face was visible, actually there was no face! Only two bright red coloured eyes were shining, the hood seemed to be hollow from inside. Death was truly terrible, for he was the personification of the force which killed people. Even the gods and devils feared Death, Death was the true ruler of everything, he was the only one who had the power to kill even the gods and the devils. the most powerful force in the entire universe is of death, and the mighty Death is the personification of death! No one was ever able to defeat Death, no one is defeating Death and no one can ever defeat Death. Death not a god, nor a devil, Death is just DEATH, your death, my death, everyone’s DEATH.



After the death of Ellis, the six devils ruled on Jwenston, while Heinous Ruled in Atlaston. Jwenston, under the devils rule was no ,more a heavenly kingdom, the devil rule was very harsh, the devil palace of Jwenston was situated in the sky, which was impossible to reach for normal beings, the devils didn’t even came to visit the lower town. And taking the advantage of this, some people created an underground bunker to be safe from the devils. Most of the people shifted in the bunker because they thought that it is better to be trapped inside a bunker than being one of the ministers of the devils. The devils created an army with people and robots. The soldiers were called “Threatroopers”, they wore a green coloured suit, a red coloured helmet having a thin black stained glass to see, and they also wore a light green coloured cloak. There was just one thing in which Jwenston progressed, it was Technology! The factories started creating superior and hazardous weapons, Jwenston made a rail gun on its moon, there were now no bullock carts or chariots used, there were many plane-like vehicles for travelling, the buildings were started to be made of titanium and chromium, there were roads made of concrete and steel. Instead of copper or steel wire, silver wires were used, because the fact is true that silver is the best conductor of electricity, The sky was covered with skyscrapers, the technology was at its peak yet the people were not satisfied. That time projectiles were not used much because the swords were much powerful. The swords were made of some kind of material which reflected projectile, like if someone shoots at the sword, the projectile would go back reflected to the shooter. In the middle of the sword, there was a type of diamond which shone very brightly all the time. The swords were so powerful that they were able to make a hole in diamond! But however the technology of Earth was far better than the one of Jwenston, there were no guns in Jwenston…

The technology reached its peak on Jwenston, while on Earth there was a boy named Christopher Sheringham who was believed as the most intelligent child on Earth. He was a 15 year old tall boy with big brown hairs and preffered walking on bare foot. He lived with his Grandparents at Indianapolis, USA. His father was a marine and died in a war while his mother was lost. His grandparents were the only relatives he got. His house was at the top floor of the Empire State Building. 

One day, when he was playing a game based on star wars, he noticed that one character was not acting like he was supposed to, he was saying something, the volume of the game was low, and that’s why Christopher was not able to hear it. He quickly raised the volume, “L2! L2! Press L2!” the character said. At first Christopher got confused because in that game, there was no use of L2 button but he did that. And this was the biggest mistake he had ever made! The chair on which he was sitting rammed straight inside the T.V. breaking it! Christopher’s eyes were close because the chair’s speed was very high and if something will ram straight into you, your eyes will close automatically. But when he opened his eyes, he found himself trapped in a great dome shaped room fully made of titanium.

There was no visible exit of the room; it had some dew drops sticking in the walls. But no sooner Christopher woke and turned behind, a noise came! It was like if someone was breathing very, very heavily. And just after this noise came, a door which was invisible a moment ago opened! And there came a man standing wearing a black robe and black mask, he raised his right hand and a liquid steel like slimy material came and took the shape of a double bladed sword! That man came towards Christopher slowly, while some soldiers wearing green armor followed him, the scene was very great, a big great man heading towards Christopher slowly and some soldiers coming running from the darkness as if to assist that black man. All of them surrounded Christopher! That man was wearing a hood so his face was not clearly visible but Christopher knew that something terrible is going to happen. “Are you Christopher?” that man asked in a gruff voice, “why are you thinking that I am going to tell you anything?” asked Christopher. “Because you are in my kingdom, I can do whatever I want with you…” was the answer. Christopher was not afraid but was transfixed, he replayed the scenes of last night, how he full fron the balcony and broke his finger, how his grand parents dragged him to the hospital and how the doctor gave him sleeping injection. At last he was sure that he slept in the hospital and not in this room. he said “Christopher, Christopher Sheringham” and just then 5 more doors which were invisible just a moment ago opened and five extraordinary men came with some oversized extraordinary weapon. They were the 6 devils! And the one who was talking with Christopher was Waft! 

The devils used their sorcery skills on the game and made the character say “press L2”. They made the character say this because their sorcery also had certain needs. The devils wanted someone intelligent in their court… “If you will become our minister, we will not kill you” said Frost, and Christopher asked rudely “first tell who you all are?” but Frost lied, “gods” he said “we are the gods!”. “No! You foolish heads! I will go back to Earth!!!”




Christopher didn’t became their minister, for he knew that Gods have plenty of knowledge, they can do their work on their own, they do not need any minister, and the devils were lying, they were no gods, gods don’t live in such a terrible place nor they wear such awful clothes, the devils are devils, they are not gods, nor they can pretend to be. The devils were annoyed, they traped Christopher in one of their terrible jails. Christopher was given very poor quality of food, it was even worse than the soups of his grandma which were ussualy bitter or tasteless. The jail was situated at edge of the upper town, it was a 4 storey high jail. Christopher’s cell was dull in look, brooding in atmosphere and poor in quality. He knew that above his cell was another cell i.e at the next floor, and a prisoner was living just above his cell. He hunted days and days for an idea that would help him escape the jail, but he never got one, and this hunting expedition for the idea did nothing more than wasting time. For Christopher escaped because of a stranger suffering above him.

One day, when Christopher was sitting on the rugs of mattress, remembering his house, grandparents and the Earth stuff, he suddenly got astonished. For the prisoner above Christopher’s cell rumbled down with a tremendous thud announcing that the time for escape arrived! For a while, he was flattened under his broken bed, but then he shook himself free from the junk and wreck, yelling “runnnnnnnn!!! Run boy, run!!!” he raised his hands and some king of energy struck the jail bars, and scaterred them into a millennium fragements. Christopher, with the man somersaulted out of the cell. The man was old, yet was very flexible, he seemed like a wizard. He was wearing a purple robe, with a golden chain around his neck and had a long nose with a big wart beside it, and big-big stylish beared. First he ran with Christopher, but cut off from him and went towards the other cells. By that time, several soldiers were out with murder in their eyes, having a thought in their mind to throttle that man and Christopher alive. Christopher, dodging, blocking the attacks of the cops, scaled a  counter in one swift movement and was out of the main door which was about to close, by now the cops had slight cut Christopher’s hand. But Christopher made a leap and hung from the shed and with a swift action, went straight up at the balcony, he found that the glass door was closed and that man was breaking some cells. By that time several people had joined the mayhem. The cops led those people in a furious pursuit. The cops were armed with some kind of special sword, because the fact was true that the gun technology was not developed at Jwenston yet. That man took several people in his gang and now was rumbling towards the door. He, with his gang, crashed straight into the door, and breaking it, fell out of the police station with tremendous thud. They all ran towards the opposite direction with Christopher until the cops disappeared. “are we done, Major Mayhem?” asked one of the gangster. “Major Mayhem?” asked Christopher. And the old man said “Luke Warden, I am also known as the Deft Sorcerer, I am the Rebelion captain. By the way, leave it, I will explain it to you when we will reach the rebellion school” after knowing that Luke was a great sorcerer, Christopher went with him to his school. On the way Luke told Christopher that he seemed very powerful. The  upper town was not like the place where the palace was situated, it was a futuristic city with many futuristic equipments frowned, yet it seemed very dull. The sky was not visible because of the gigantic skyscrapers. But on the other side of the city, there was an open place with gigantic old buildings like the “Warden Sorcery and Fighting School (WSFS)”

The school was the only old - fashioned building in Jwenston, creepers were climbing the buildings, there was a big green yard in the front, and the school was as big as the Newark airport! There were many people in the school, some were teachers some were students. Christopher’s attention was caught by a huge archery range like ground where some people were practicing the green energy authentic sorcery. Their right hand was outstretched and the left hand was above their head, with the left hand they controlled the green energy… Christopher was astonished to see that, and the special fact was Christopher was the tallest human in Jwenston! “I am making an army…” said Luke “army? Why an army? The devils have their own army…” Asked Christopher “because nobody is in the devil’s side, we all are hoping to be free from the devil rule, we call ourselves rebels, or the member of the rebellion guild” said Luke… then he told Christopher about Ellis and his heavenly Jwenston… Christopher was feeling pity for the people of Jwenston. He said “I will help you getting free from the devil rule” Luke got astonished and said “Ellis got defeated from the devils, how can you win?” “the deal is that after I will win, you will teleport me back to Indianapolis” said Christopher “deal” was the answer given by Luke. Luke told him that the dimension rift which teleported the devils or their ambassadors to different places was situated at some place only known to the devils. “can’t I try asking the devils to teleport me back to my home world?” asked Christopher. “what foolishness!” yelled Luke and burst out in laughter. “They are the devils! My dear boy, they praised Death for about 4 milleniums asking to take them to the Deathly Palace until Death told them that he only took the ones to his palace who had gathered plenty of honor. And the devils have got a big misunderstanding that their honor would become low if they will not act like VIP and help needy people through peaceful means” said Warden. Christopher nodded with a sigh of resignation and they both shook hands and Christopher asked “what do you think? How much time will I need to become a pro fighter and sorcerer?” Luke said “approximately 5 years” “then let’s not waste time and get started…” 

From that day, Christopher started to study in the Warden School; he learned how to fight using a sword, glaive and bow. These things didn’t took much time but advanced sorcery and advanced cursing were time consuming. Christopher studied fighting for 1 year, sorcery for 2 years and advanced cursing for another 2 year, now Christopher was about 21 years old, he made many friends; he dwelled in the Warden School. He was now a General of the Rebellion army which was against the devils. But the final number of soldiers was very less, they needed more soldiers. And the best way have more soldiers was to take the people from the underground bunker to the school. Christopher had a great plan to do this! He thought that if he will make a gun and take to the bunker and scare the people and ask them to join the forces the number of soldiers will increase. But unfortunately there were no guns in Jwenston; Christopher had to make one himself. He remembered the functioning of a gun which he studied in his school and in a paper; he made a blueprint of an assault rifle. He gave it to old Luke Warden he created the same gun with the help of the green energy. Then Christopher quickly took it to the underground bunker and saw that there were more than 30,000 people! He quickly shot the gun at nothing and the people started jumping on all fours yelling “he has a something magic boom-boom! Listen to him!” then Christopher stood steadily in the middle of the crowd while the people lay down and touched Christopher’s feet. He quickly took half of them to the school and enlarged the forces…



After the recruitment of the bunker people in the forces, Christopher noticed that the number of soldiers was still less. They needed more soldiers. There were no more skilled people left in Jwenston. Christopher thought that there was no possible way to have more soldiers but Luke Warden Christopher something that made a new hope in Christopher! He said “according to my calculation, Jwenston was a member of the Nauj Alliance. The other members of Nauj alliance can help us.” “What is Nauj alliance?” asked Christopher with extreme curiosity. “It is the alliance having 100 kingdoms including Jwenston, but few years ago, the devils partially destroyed the kingdoms leaving there kings behind.” Said Luke “go and ask them to lend half of their army, Ellis helped them maybe they will agree”. “Why do you ask me to do everything?” asked Christopher and “because you will lead the army” was the answer “why” he asked again “because you seem much more powerful and intelligent than us” said Luke and smiled. Christopher quickly took a his backpack and just when he was about to leave the school, Luke yelled  “wait!” and raised his both hands and a red coloured energy came and got absorbed in Christopher, “what was that?” he asked “regeneration!” said Luke “extreme regeneration!” “Whaaat?” asked Christopher, very astonished “now don’t wait and waste time and go” said Luke and smiled. Christopher now had the power of extreme regeneration, he was very pleased with himself.

Christopher went to the secret Alliance centre which was created by one of the students of Luke Warden. The alliance centre was situated at the middle of the middle town. It took 1 hour to reach there. It seemed very little but was very roomy. The room was very big and was made up of a variety of granite. The weather was cool and brooding. The floor was made of marble and some birds were screeching and singing there, trying to high-spirit the atmosphere. It seemed that the rain which rumbled down a few weeks ago had flooded the center sometime back, for some peculiar stuff was decaying. Cool and harsh winds were blowing every now and then. And because of them, several dry leaves rumbled in and out of the building with a tremendous sound. Christopher found it truly wise to close the doors and windows. In the middle of the building, there was a big table with a glass sensor and just ahead of it, was a blade! Christopher quickly screeched his ring finger on the blade and the blood fell on the sensor. And just then a large frame of a portal came fell from the roof and yellow coloured energy created the main gate. From the portal came several people wearing heavy clothes and sat in the golden thrones placed on the sides of the room. Christopher somehow got to know that they were the kings of the kingdoms which were of the Nauj Alliance. Christopher quickly sat in the glass throne which was placed beside the blade. “Pardon us, child. Is there something wrong? We saw you for the first time” said one of them “all the stuff going in Jwenston is wrong, I just want half of you armies” said Christopher “Ellis helped you all a lot, now it’s your turn” “you will guide them?” asked another “yes my majesty” said Christopher and smiled “well we swore to Ellis that we will repay his debts, when you will need the army?” asked the same king who asked Christopher about the guidance of the army. “As soon as possible” said Christopher and all the kings popped coin like platinum badges on the table of Christopher, smiled and left…

Christopher was unable to understand the use of the badges; he quickly stacked them in his bag pack and left for the school. He got very tired because of walking. This time, somehow it took 2 hours for him to reach the school.

It was a no moon night. The deathly darkness and the acute silence had swallowed the forest. He walked alone to the school. The silence was so perfect that it seemed to be screaming and yelling in the ears of Christopher, usually some wolves howled from a great cliff, but this time even they were not howling. Some fireflies frequently danced between the bushes but this time it seemed that the darkness swallowed them. It was a dark night, he walked alone to the school, and there was pin drop silence. The silence was so perfect that it seemed to be screaming and yelling in the ears of Christopher, and just then far away, behind a large tree, he saw a face! It had bright yellow glowing eyes, an oversized mouth with many oversized sharp teeth. The face was terrible “you are making a big mistake! Dear Christopher… a big mistake… a big mistake… a big mistake…” was a voice heard from a distant tree. Christopher got scared, he ran straight towards the school through the dark plain. All the way “a big mistake…” kept echoing in Christopher’s head. As he reached the school, the first thing he did was the telling Luke about that person behind the tree “it was silence” said Luke and Christopher asked “who is silence?” “Silence is an illusion. Nothing more, it happens when someone is in a silent place for too long” said Luke and Christopher nodded and gave all the badges to Luke “now what?” asked Christopher “one week” said Luke “now let’s not waste time and let the proceedings take place after a week, what weapon do you wish to use? By the way” “Glaive” said Christopher…



After getting the army tokens, Luke examined all his army and it seemed better than the “threatroopers”. But however the battle would be neck to neck because the commanders were not as skilled as the devils, Luke quickly took the best weapons including the crossgaurded sword of Ellis. Christopher took a double-sided glaive while Luke took the sword of Ellis. The army was armed with swords and axes, projectile shooter and guns created by Christopher. The cavalry units had well trained horses. In the place of Siege engines, there were superior aircrafts with heavy machine guns created by Christopher; there were many bulldozers like vehicles used to crush the soldiers and many missile launcher vehicles too.  There was also a giant worm vehicle which could go underground and leap out off the ground while killing the people. The army was well armed and prepared for the fight, it seemed better than the Threatroopers. But however the commanders of the devil were far better than the one of the Rebelion army.  Christopher divided the army into 8 parts, each led by a legendary commander. The palace was in the sky, hanging from 17 flying forests with the help of chains. Christopher and Luke were supposed to break the chains with the help of Glaives. They would climb up to the chains and break them, leaving the great palace behind to fall. Then Luke calculated that where the palace would fall and how far will its wreck go. Prince Paveza of kingdom Jackuzen with half of his army having only 400 soldiers was asked to circle the crash zone and wait for the devils to come. Then after the devils call their army, rest of the army of prince would go and circle the devils army and then all the other soldiers would go in the battlefield, circle the devils and their army and fight till their last breathes. This was the battle strategy of Rebelion army.

Then soon a week passed and the day of the battle arrived, first all the soldiers sang and danced for the last time, then all the commanders shook their hands and hugged, then they all went out for the battlefield… the battlefield was about 35 miles away from the Warden school. The army with their commanders walked steadily towards the battlefield. The battle field was a large piece of barren land, which was considered as the dryland of Jwenston, there was no obstacle, no distraction, and no difficulty to fight. The battlefield was also a good spot for crude oil excavation, but all the oil found there was already excavated and so, the dryland was the best place to be considered as a battlefield. First prince Paveza, his slave and one fourth of his army cut off from the main army and circled the crash zone of the grim palace. Then after hiding the army in the depths of a canyon, Christopher and Luke rammed straight towards prince Paveza. Christopher knew that the canyon was the best place to hide the soldiers because the fact was true that the canyon was so enormous that no one would venture to take the risk of peeking down at the river which carved it. After reaching just below the grim palace with the help of Sorcery, they leaped up at the great chains. The chains were made with the help of a mix of chromium, titanium and obsidian. “Let’s knock them out first” said Christopher while he pointed at some guards standing in the watchtower of the palace. Luke said nothing, nodded and jumped at the palace. Christopher followed him as he swapped his Glaive with a katana. They killed all the guards that tried to stop them. Nobody even had the slightest of idea that the feet of Christopher and Luke had already struck the palace. At that time, the devils were in there extra protective system equipped dining hall. 

After the silent attack on the palace, they both returned back to the chains, now they knew that there was nobody who will try to stop them. They both chanted a few words softly and a bright yellow energy came and got absorbed in the chains, then they saw that the chains had started to decay. They both quickly jumped off the chains and ran towards the army. The chains were decaying, slowly – slowly decaying. And then after a moment, the chains sizzled up and the palace started to fall from that height. And on the other side, Christopher and Luke had already reached the canyons and were marching back to the Battlefield. Prince Paveza got ready as he knew that the palace could touch the ground at any moment. It took a minute for the palace to reach the ground, and as it fell, the wreck got scattered in the whole crash zone. There was no sign of the devil party! But after a moment “threatroopers!!!” yelled the devils in a satanic voice as they all raised the whole ruin of the palace off them with magic. “Hold them!!!” yelled Paveza. But there was something else of which the people in the battlefield were getting increasingly aware… 

The marching sound which seemed to be screaming and yelling in everyone’s ears and the vibration in land made sense. Just after a moment the land started vibrating, came from inside a nearby forest were the threatroopers!!! The army was so big that it seemed that it could cover even the sky! 



The threatroopers were so many that it seemed that the devil victory was certain. The devils blew up a horn which caught up the attention of living being in the kingdom of Jwenston. The devil side was very gigantic! The devils felt very ashamed because they were unable to be respect worthy emperors of Jwenston. They knew that if the people would revolt against them, they would certainly die! The devils wanted to settle the matter with peaceful means; they just wanted the people to live peacefully in Jwenston. This thought of the devils made me think that they were not bad. But the people didn’t understand the losses they had to suffer. The devils now decided to kill the people, because if they will surrender in front of the people, their honor and respect in the devil world would become less and whenever they will die, death will not take them to his palace because of their lack of faith and honor. 

So they quickly asked their army to attack prince Paveza, but when they circled him, from behind the bushes and the nettles came the Rebelion army! Christopher’s and his army’s first strike was delivered to the crowd around Paveza while Warden tried to break into the crowd which surrounded the devils. Luke and Christopher were the only people who were successful to reach Paveza. But after assisting him a little, Christopher went running to the canyon and disappeared. The Devils battle was fought like they had planned. The army had circled each other simultaneously. The devil army had 3 layered army, the outer one consisted of units using glaives, the middle one consisted of people having heavy punching gloves, and then the inner one was only meant for ensuring the safety of the devils. At first the Rebelion army destroyed many of the soldiers of the devils, but then as they destroyed the outer layer, the power of the middle layer struck the Rebelion army, the power of middle layer was unlimited, and nobody had the slightest of the ideas about the power. The middle army crouched and surrounded the inner army, devils and started to punch and throw the soldiers in air. It was a very difficult task to breack through them. The devils were not happy to see their people die but they had to do this, the devils deployed the siege engines and fought fiercely, Barrage was very destructive, he used a flaming belt to fight, frost used a double sided sword, Hydra vile used a trident, Ether used a bow while Acreage used a Great hammer. The only thing the the devil army feared was guns. The Rebelion army was becoming lesser and lesser. Every rebel was losing hope. There were only 4000 soldiers left in the rebellion army. They were losing. “there is too many of them” cried Warden in despair. But just then Luke heard something “but there’s more of us Luke”. Giving all the rebels a new hope, came Christopher with the rebellion fleet of warships having over 1400 aircrafts of all classes came the rebellion fleet. Killing 10 people per second came the airsraft having machine guns. The rebels were so busy fighting with the devils, that they almost forgot about the rebellion fleet. The fleet was guided by Christopher flying in a spaceship without weapons. He led the fleet to the battleground and jumped off his own spaceship and started fighting on the land. The fleet dealt great damages to the devil side.

 But suddenly something terrible happened! From the sky a lightning striked the crowd of Rebelion army, and the lightning was not normal, it was Heinous! he had come to help his friends! He used only sorcery to fight. His sorcery was so powerful that at a moment it killed 10,000 of soldiers. 

And the most terrible thing, he hipnotised Christopher!  Christopher now was not a good person, he was now in the devil’s side. The devils knew that defeating Luke and Paveza was not an easy task. They both trusted Christopher equally so the devils hipnotised him and used him to kill Luke and Paveza. Christopher quickly rammed straight towards Paveza, He was sorounded by many punchers. He seemed to be tired. Christopher went beside him while “Christopher! give me your Glaive” said Paveza. Christopher said nothing and took his Glaive out and at the moment he tried to stab Paveza, Luke came in between and the glaive made a hole in his stomach while at that moment it also got stabbed in Paveza. “what? Were you doing? Christopher, I made a mistake trusting you…”  said Luke, but Christopher heard nothing because he was hipnotised. Then Christopher chanted a few words and  all the soldiers of Jwenston got splitted into two equal halves. And just then the devils went up in the air and disappereared. While Christopher got out of the hipnotisation of the devils and led  out a loud piercing cry, for he saw the riot, ruin and the wreck. The ruins were very silent, the silence again seemed to be screaming and yelling “a big mistake… a big mistake… a big mistake” and again he felt miserable, he felt that someone was behind him, the weather was spooky and cloudy. He didn’t dared to turn behind “I told you earlier, but you didn’t obey my order” was the voice that came from behind. Then that figure seemed to disappear, it was probably Silence… And just after he left, from the darkest cloud came a huge lightning which struck the bushes from where the army came and went back. Then several lightning strikes fell and met at a common end point and shot straight towards the bushes like a tesla missile. The lightning strike created a lot of light which made it difficult to spot the ruins. 

But as the light became less, Christopher saw something which was more than astonishing, glorious! It was an extremely large, extremely large figure wearing a big black robe, held two gigantic scythes without handles but chains and stood in the fire! It had no face, the robe seemed to be hollow from inside, just two bright crimson glowing eyes were there. The figure was terrible. And after a moment this figure appeared, the land behind him started tearing and from inside it leapt a great black horse with some kind of shadow that surrounded his body stood beside the figure. “what are you?” asked Christopher uncertainly. “I don’t want to talk to you, I just came to take the souls of the deads. But why do you seek me?” asked that figure in an extremely terrible voice. Christopher said nothing and swaped his katana with his glaive. “I am Death, by the way” said that figure “apologies, but I am unable to understand what you are trying to say” said Christopher “it’s simple! I am Death, the personification of the energy which takes lives of every living being. I am the god of Death and devil of Death, angel of Death, Emperor of Death and ruler of Death too.” said Death in an amusing but terrible way. “what happened here?” asked Christopher “umm… I am not certain but it seems that the devils hipnotised you and your very own hands killed your companion” said Death and Christopher led out a very harsh cry “look, all the soldiers have thrown their souls on the ground” then Death raised his scythe and threw it on the muddle of the dead soldiers, and pulled it. He reaped all the souls of the soldiers. “I usually travel in my mundane reaper form but here the souls are too many. Life told me to help you by the way, you need the Doom armor to kill the devils” said Death and disappeared with the soldiers…

To be continued…



Christopher was very sad after knowing that he had lost the fight. He now lived in a small hut in the outer area of Jwenston. He now started to think about the Doom armor, would it be okay to fight with the devils for another time? he thought for days and days and finally decicded to fight again because there was no use of staying in Jwenston till death. He quickly started researching about the Doom armor. The Doom armor consisted of mask, robe, boots, cloak, pants, gloves and the Keios. The Keios were the swords of Kio, the younger brother of Death and the personification of the Chaos, or the ruler  of Chaos. 

But Christopher was unable to figure out that where the Doom armor was. He asked the village people about that, but he was unable to find any in there. Christopher wandered about in Jwenston for the information of doom armor. He also tried his luck in the city bt still no success. All the hard work he did was only for the deal of Luke, he said that the  palace which was garrisoned by the devils had a dimension rift which led to Earth. The devils also tried to to kill Christopher, but success was nowhere to be seen.

Christopher had done a lot of Hard work. Like this 11-12 months passed by, and now, the time for his hard work to reap fruit had come.

One day, when he was making his way through the ravine where a cheerfull forest of maple was laid and a narrow stream twisted its trail through the trees to a boggy area where an old watermill which was enormous in size, frowned and beside it was a large citadel which garrisoned a small, cheerfull town. The town was not much civillised. The tallest structure except the citadel was a shrine! People worshiped ‘Life’ there, Life was the personification of life or the one who creates living beings. Christopher followed the trail which led to the shrine. The path was made with a silver coloured stone, now overgrowned with some kind of wild plant. The path soon turned blindly towards the left and and across it was the shrine. The town was cheerful but the atmosphere near the shrine was brooding.

The shrine was a giant structure which was a cube at bottom and a cone at top. The cone was made with gold which kept shining, rotating and reflecting light all the time. Christopher also noticed that a shallow stream twisted its way through the thickets to the shrine. Christopher went inside the great door and found that he was in a great hall with an smooth, high, bulged roof and floor made up of polished jadeite. In the middle of the room was a big statue, the statue of Life, he wore a big robe coloured in a fusion of indigo and violet. He held a terracotta pot in one hand which is said to be used as a container of souls by Life. And in the other hand, he held a clay pot which carried bodies, Life just picked up a body and soul, merged them and a living being was ready to live. But just behind it was another statue, it was just the opposite of Life, a tall dreadful skeleton wearing a black robe, holding a scythe. The statue was truly terrible. The two statues were separated by the stream held sacred. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” asked one of the priest who was praying Life a moment ago. Christopher recognized the skeleton statue and said “yeah, but why is Death here?” “Life is always with Death and Death is always with life” said the priest and looked at Christopher steadily for a while and said “so this is how life works? He is so punctual! He said that he will create you for a special purpose and so I have to help you, and now you are in front of me!” “so what kind of help you are supposed to offer me?” asked Christopher. “No! First I have to verify that you are the very person who is destined to be helped by me.” The priest said and rammed straight towards Christopher with his glaive but Christopher took his sword out and splitted the priest into two halves with a great ease. “now what? How will you help me?” asked Christopher. And then, even after getting splitted into two halves, he raised his left hand and a portal opened on the roof “stab a stick” he said. Just after that, the sound of Christopher’s frantic struggle were heard, for the portal had swallowed him! Christopher found himself at the enterance of a large cavern. The cave was situated in the slopes of a big mountain. Christopher went inside the cavern, he saw that the walls were painted in red colour, there were paintings of people praying a bird like creature, the creature was a skeleton of a bird in some paintings, and some made Christopher believe that the creature was a skeleton covered with an indigo flame. Christopher was so busy in looking at the paintings that he almost forgot that he had reached a gigantic room. The room was so dark, dark like a cloud of rain. It seemed that if Christopher was sleeping without dreams.

Then suddenly he heard deep breathing sound coming from somewhere of the room before it bathed with a bright indigo tint! And then from the bright light came a heavenly creature! The one who was in the paintings. It was a gigantic eagle, the creature was so big that it was impossible to have a full look of it in a single glance. The eagle seemed old and tired, “why are you here?” it asked. It took Christopher a while to come back from the astonishment caused by the eagle. “I am confused…” he said “somebody asked me to stab a stick inside someone or something” he said. “who asked you to do this?” asked that creature. “it was a priest who was praising Life, I was actually hunting for the doom armor” said Christopher. “then you want my flame indeed!” he said in triumph, for he had guessed something correct in his life. “It’s Khamaz, the kind and gentle. I do love to give you my  flame with peaceful means, but unfortunately, I have a curse that I cannot give my flame to anyone without verifying that the folk is truly capable of my flame” said Khamaz and then the ample creature became more ample by opening up his wings and scattering millions of blue fire sparks on the ground. The room bathed with blue glow. Khamaz looked enormous at that time. the cave, which was so dark, was now so bright that Christopher could barely see anything. 

The first strike was delivered by Khamaz which was dodged by Christopher. This was followed by several attempts to kill the boy. Christopher found it quite difficult to defeat the bird. Christopher used all the spells he learnt but only a few worked. Christopher was tired fighting, he got cuts and bruises all over his body. He used all his energy into a last effort and jumped over the creature with his blades facing down at Khamaz and brutally injured him. But just then from the enterance of the room, smoke arose because of some unknown reason. It was visible for a couple of second and then it disappeared, for a man came from nowhere and stood in front of it. It was not an ordinary man! It was Death, he came in his mundane form. Christopher was unable to understand that why he came, perhaps he came to take the soul of Khamaz. Khamaz was crying in pain, Death slipped his gigantic scythe from  his back to his hand. All the brightness and the blue sparked disappeared, again the cave became brooding. Death ran towards Khamaz and somersaulted into him with his scythe, tearing his blue energy and crushing his bones, Death again somersaulted out of Khamaz. 

Christopher clapped cheerfully in astonishment to see that Death, who seemed so heavy and less flexible, somersaulted! “I praise you, dear Death. But can you tell me that did I killed Khamaz and you took his soul?” he said “yes indeed” he said “actually assigned you to kill Khamaz. I work in two stages, first one is the most common, I simply assign someone or something to kill someone, for example :- someone is standing in the middle of the road and I have planned that a truck would crush that person. The truck will go and crush him by any means, even if it has to kill 4 more people to kill the victim, but, no, no, no! The four people it has to crush are also victims, their time has also come!” Christopher was astonished to know that the plans of Death are so complex and accurate. “planned! That is systematically planned!” said Christopher. Now it seemed that Death was confused what to say, so he disappeared leaving an amber box covered with blue velvet and saying that the flame that was the key to activate some special weapons was in the heart of Khamaz. Christopher took a small sharp wooden stick and stabbed it in the chest of Khamaz. He took the stick out and saw that a bright cheerful indigo flame came out of Khamaz! Christopher stacked it inside the special box left by Death which was only meant for storing flames for a long time. 


Christopher succeeded in his quest for the flame. “Khamaz was a good creature. Was the curse a part of Death’s plan to kill Khamaz?” he wondered while he went out of the cave. The outside scenery was winsome, and because the cave was situated in the slopes of an enormous mountain, Christopher found that the enterance was a great view! He could see miles away scenery from the cave! The land was boggy, his foot was on wet mud with a beautiful smell. Perhaps it rained while Christopher was fighting, the rain had made everything smell fresh and good. The scent from some fallen flowers, rose from the wet earth. The leaves of the trees were washed clean and a light breeze turned about showering the tree water drops. The birds refreshed and high-spirited the sky. The stream was dazzled by sunlight and the reflections danced here and there every moment. All these peaceful stuff made Christopher very relaxed, he was never so relaxed in his life like this. The sounds of birds, stream and much more stuff seemed that they were saying calmly “cheer up! Christopher, cheer up!” Christopher could see a vast plain in front of the mountain and another mountain in front of the plain, the plain was cheerful, somewhere, the trees were like maple and somewhere else the trees were like willows! The water droplets sparkled as if someone was casting a beam of bright light on diamond! Easy winds were blowing every now and then, making the diamonds dance fall into the boggy ground making it even more boggy. The mountains seemed twin mountain standing in front of each other. Christopher forgot about all the stuff he had to do, he forgot about the pain of the wounds. 

But soon he shook himself free from the spell which had woven itself around him and slid down to the beautiful plain. As Christopher went on, he found that there was a small cheerful village situated on the slopes of the mountain! The village was not much civvilised or advance… Christopher saw that a great staircase led up to the village. Gentle winds were blowing every now and then, makin the trees dance. The monkey like creature reffered as the “Nectus” chatted in a great excitement. The trees changed frequently, somewhere they were maple while on the other part they were willow! 

And it wasn’t long before he found the start of the great staircase. The stairs were steep and slippery, perhaps the rain had made them slippery. They were made with granite like stone, now overgrown with some wild vines. Christopher knew that it was an effort-consuming walk. But the walk was not as long as he had expected because after 40-50 minutes, he reached a resting point from where a narrow trail cut off from the stairs and         snaked its way to village while the stairs went up straight to the peak. Christopher ate a grapefruit like edible fruit and rested a little. The gentle winds blowing there and the fresh and good smells of wet soil, flowers and other stuff made him feel sleepy and his eyes closed on their own and his brain switched off.

Christopher was unable to figure out how he sleapt doing such an important task. And wondering this, he woke and walked up to the village. Christopher was unable to figure out how he sleapt doing such an important task. And wondering this, he woke and walked up to the village. It seemed that there was some kind of occasion in the village, for it was decorated with bunting lines and other decorative items. Some people waved at Christopher while the others were transfixed to see such a big person. The air was particularly festive and the people were chattering in excitement. He found that some children were returning from school. This made him remember that he didn’t even completed school on Earth. Christopher found the people chatter about a fighting tournament which was supposed to take place a few hours later. And the special part was that the prize was a doubtful armor! This grabbed Christopher’s attension because all the stuff in his adventure was planned, like the priest, Khamaz, etc; and so Christopher thought that perhaps the armor was doom armor! He went to the arena asking for the directions. There he asked a person associated with the tournament to give him some information about it, and after getting plenty of information, he said that he would like to participate in the competition. The man said that he will make Hristopher participate in the competition for free. They must’ve thought that people will not lose the opportunity to see such a big person fight, and more people means more tickets and more tickets mean more money! Probably, due to the lack of information, the uncivilized villagers didn’t knew the real power of Doom armour

Then Christopher went to the market to look what people were selling. He bought some tidbits for himself. Christopher was not rich, he was living in a genteel poverty. The village was not very advance, yet it was very beautiful. It was situated on a platform of cobblestone. The houses were made of dark oak planks and had a stone finishing, they had glass windows and were hobbled with bunting lines. Every here and there were crossroads. There was no source of light except lanterns, torches and oil lamps. Jwenston was full of wonders. At one side, there were megalopolis with cutting edge technology, yet on the very other side, there are uncivilized villages where people don’t even know the alphabet ‘T’ of the word “technology”…

Christopher waited eagerly for the tournament. And he didn’t had to wait much, for the time had come! He rammed straight towards the arena and saw that all the participants were pushing each other, making their way to the fighting ring. Christopher had to fight after the 3rd participant. He sat at th  edge of the arena observing that how the players fight, They preffered axes. And soon it was Christopher’s turn. He lowered the hood on his jacket and struck. He used a sword this and jumping, dodging, sliding, he went close to his opponent and fought fiercely. He found ht at the man did a lot of somersaults. So when he was in the air backflipping, Christopher went to the place where he was supposed to land and held his sword upwards. And the man landed into the sword! The sword was stabbed in him. the wound was like a blood fountain! And then Christopher slitted his body into two equal parts. He didn’t found it hard to defeat him. Then another opponent came dancing and jumping but Christopher somersaulted into him stabbing the sword in his forehead. Another came, but Christopher opened his head and threw his brain out. After defeating the 3rd opponent, one of the executive came and handed him a chestplate, pant and a jacket. Christopher didn’t had time to wear them. he again started to fight, it seemed that the 1st round was over. this time, people came in groups but Christopher Screeched his swords making sparks fall on those people. And literally, he burnt those men alive! The person who gave him half of the armor came again, wondering that how can a person complete the whole tournament in just a few minutes! And he handed him mask, boots and large gloves! “is this the doom armor?” wondered Christopher. He quickly wore all the stuff. The mask was black with Indigo lines running from the eyes to the mouth. rest all the things were indigo. The mask had goggles which were hologramic and gave information of everything Christopher see and did, energy used, speed, power used to attack and much more cool stuff! The gloves were very powerfull! They were supposed to gather blue and violet enery when hands were in punching position and release and use all the energy while punching. Christopher got this information by Death in the battle of _______________. He quickly drew out the special flame of Khamaz. He didn’t touched it to the armour but it took the power of the flame by itself! The Armor turned purple and violet with lots and lots of blue energy sticking outside it forming a cover like structure for the armor.

But just then, a thought came in Christopher’s head. He wanted to test the power of the Doom armour. So jumped into the arena again and started doing destruction. All the people present there ran to him, trying to stop him. but he demolished everything, everyone. He destroyed the buildings by a couple of punches and threw them in the sky.


Christopher thought that now it was useless to fight more. He went out of the village, on the edge of the mountain, and somersaulted down the mountain! Without any fear of fall damage or falling into a pond full of water snakes, he just jumped off. In the air he thought that the Doom armor will do its work well but he didn’t knew that the Doom armor absorbed fall damage, but not completely. He got a very bad jerk as he fell on the ground, flat on his face. He didn’t thought this! It took a while for him to again get up. The forest was bathed with the evening alpenglow light. Some fireflies danced between the trees and did acrobatics amongst the bushes. There was pin drop silence in the forest as usual. The deathly silence swallowed most of the jungle noises at night. The worst offenders were some monkeys making mischief on the branhes. The grass seemed soft and cool, Christopher wanted to step on them with bare foot, but on the second thought he remembered that it took a lot of effort to wear the doom boots. Easy winds were blowing but Christopher was unable to sense them because he was fully covered with Doom armour. 

 He was very pleased with himself. He never thought that he would do so much of adventure when he was in Indianapolis. He never thought that he would spend so much time in Jwenston. He didn’t even knew what Doom Armour actually was, he never thought that one day he would  meet the mighty Death. He was actually very happy, he was smilling and laughing in triumph, but it was not visible because he was wearing the Doom mask. He was happy because, now the Doom armour was his. He starteded dancing and jumping, screaming and yelling in triumph. He did everything to celebrate his victory but he did this for only a while, for soon he lost balance and somerdaulted on a tree. Crashing, whooping, screaming, he fell down of it too! but this time he was not alone, he turned his head to see what had fallen from the tree with him, and suddenly exclaimed aloud! White face, little hands, silver coat, orange eyes, zebra tail! It was a lemur! At first, it went off leaping up to the branches but after a while, he flipped out of the branch. A lemur’s thinking is hard to understand. “what were you doing, robot?” he asked. Christopher was transfixed to see a lemur talk. By the way, anything can happen here in Jwenston, he thought. “I am not a robot, I am a fully conscious powerful man” asked Christopher. Perhaps the lemur thought that Christopher was a robot because of the heavy Doom armour. Christopher’s words perhaps made the lemur think that the violent noises which came from the village just a while ago was because of Christopher. He thought that it was better to go away from Christopher. But just then a thought peeked at Christopher’s mind. He noticed that he was lost! Because when he was roaming near the town where he found the shrine, the priest teleported him to the cave of Khamaz, and now he was lost! “Where I am? Tell me, or I will uproot your tail” said Christopher to the lemur who was just about to leave. The lemur must have thought that something sinister was upon him. “You are in the eastern tropical rainforest of Jwenston” he said, trembling in fearing. “I want to go to the Shrine of Life” said Christopher. “Shrine of Life? That means you want to go to the northern territory of Jwenston” said the lemur. “no! I want to go to the Grim palace” said Chrirstopher. “I heard some visitors say that it is in the middle of the Ample city sitiuated in the middle of Jwenston” said the lemur and shuffled around, trying to escape. Christpher didn’t stop him.

Christopher went forth thinking that it would be difficult to travel such distance. He wished that the Doom armour would let him fly. Doubting, wishing, wondering, wheezing, he reached the cave mountain of Khamaz. He went inside the enormous cave hoping to find something cool. The cave was again lain with deathly darkness and was swallowed by the deathly silence which swallowed the jungle noises at night. He quickly took out the special flame of Khamaz which provided plenty of light. All he saw was some ants rushing towards Khamaz and the wall paintings. But there was something big hiding in the painting which was still unnoticed by Christopher. But soon he found the great thing! He was fated to! For he observed the paintings so thoroughly, he found that someone he did not knew, wearing the Doom armor and flying was painted! And so he was certain that the Doom armor had a flying mechanism. He quickly shuffled out of the cave and looked at every part of the armor. First he found a little button hiding under the arm. He pushed it and two swords, about 4 foot long came out from both the hands. He did not wanted this. But soon he found the a lever like structhure was hiding behind the neck of it! As he pulled the lever, the Doom armor pushed itself into the air and started flying!  It reached the height of about 1,000 metre above the cave mountain. But  he did’nt knew that the doom armor was not meant for flying, it just pushed itself up in the heights, now Christopher had to use his sorcery skills to boost himself forth and pierce through the air. At fist when Christopher started falling down, he got astonished, he wondered why the Doom armor was falling. But soon he understood that sorcery can boost the armor forth. So he chanted a few words silently and waved his left hand and got a very bad jerk, for lots and lots of energy came and pushed him forth! The speed was not high, but it was extremely high. If would get shattered into a millennium fragments if he crashes into the land. But he knew how to keep balance and which sorcery would help him to stop without taking ay kind of fall damage.


On the other side, Vile the vulture obsereved what Christopher was doing. He obsereved all day and nights and warned the devils that Christopher has the Doom armour. The devils were astonished to see that the armor which kept roaming in Jwenston was now Christopher’s. Christopher, there slave, who escaped throught the hole in the palace meant for the sewage to go out was now so powerful! The devils wanted to end the problem which was there because of Christopher. “he is in the eastern forest, our military outpost in the forest is not very far from him” said Acreage. “who is posted there?” asked Barrage while exhaled flames from his nose. “Lord Grand Atin” replied one of the sweepers working in the palace. “Grand Atin? He is quite powerful, isn’t he?” asked Frost. “yes surely he is, I will ask him to kill Christopher and bring the doom armor” said Ether and went to some great gadget which helped him to communicate with the people. He contacted Grand Atin. Believed as the most powerfull person in the army, Grand Atin, general of the Threat army and an ambassador of the devils was assigned to kill Christopher and take the Doom armor to the palace.

Grand Atin left the outpost in the search of Christopher. On the other side, Christopher was struggling to fly using Doom armor. Grand Atin was just like a kite, nothing was able to make its way through his vision, and so was Christopher. He took his crossbow out, loaded an arrow and released it. He wanted the arrow to strike the flying mechanism of the Doom armor, and unfortunately, it did so! Christopher was transfixed to see that the flying mechanism was destroyed. Now what will push the Doom armor up in the heights if he fell? he did’nt knew the sorcery which pushed things up. He had already lost his balance. He decided to crash into Grand Atin. And so he did, only he reduced his speed to prevent the fall damage. The Doom armor, which was so big and heavy, crashed straight into poor Atin! His legs were crushed under the armor, in a week or two, they would become manure. And so will Grand Atin. Christopher killed Grand Atin without the use of any weaponry. But now what? The flying mechanism was destroyed and Christopher ws on land, he had to walk now! He started heading towards the north wishing the city to come closer. This part of the forest was dry, a dry grassland it was. It had not rained from a long time,the animals drank water from the water holes and some false inlets made by poachers as a snare to kill animals. Some animals like deers were lying in the open, taking a sunbath. The weather was not well suited for the long walk, the sun was shining in its full form. The Doom armor, which was made of some kind of doubtful metal was getting quite hot to be tolerated. The grassland was getting dryer and dryer. It seemed like flames were dancing amongst the bushes, making them dry wafer like structure. And after a long, weary, exhausting journey, Christopher saw something more awful than the heat of sun, amplified by the Doom armor. Even the wafer-like bushes left him! there was only dry cracked arid land. He was over a dry arid plain.

But more interestingly, he came very close to me! I, Ben Jones, a horse trader live in a small house at the meeting of the forest and dessert, which is the Savannah of Jwenston. I know Christopher because he rented a horse from me. At that time, I did not knew the true legacy of Christopher. 

Back to the point, Christopher stood just in front of my stable. He first stared at my best horse, whom I named Gladheart. Then he knocked at the door. I was reading the newspaper as usual. I opened the door to see a large person wearing a heavy armour. I was a brave man, I was not afraid. I bought the schemes forth and asked what he wanted. He did not had enough money so he asked me to leave him at the Ample City. I agreed and with Gladheart and Christopher, I left. 37 years old, white in colour, fast as a peregrine falcon, glad from heart, Gladheart was my favourite horse who was not meant for sale. I found him when he was a young little horse. The nearby poaching made him escape the forest and entered my roomy stable to ensure that he was safe from the poachers.  



It took him 2 days to reach the Ample City because the fact was true that the city was very far. I went back to my little house after leaving Christopher at the Ample city. Christopher went forth praising himself loudly, showing the people his strength. He went straight to the Grim palace. The city had not changed a bit, the gigantic skyscrapers, the cutting edge techonology, pollution, extremely bright lights, loud noises and bored people. Christopher did many nonsense stuff to show how powerful he was, but no one bothered about him. The people were busy doing their own work and making nuisance. Christopher called the devils loudly. The devils were not prepared for a showdown, but then too they went to meet meet Christopher. The devils rammed towards Christopher “why do you want to fight with us?” asked Barrage.“There are two reasons... First tell me that can you let me use your dimension rift with peaceful means?” asked Christopher. “I don’t like a question for a question, well I will not let you do it, you seem intelligent, strong and so, I will trade you...” said Barrage as he exhaled ashes from his nose.“So the answer is somethings are worth fighting for.” Said Christopher in a cool manner and went inside a bus by breaking its door he thought that if the whole Doom armor was covered with energy, why were the swords bare? He opened the special box which contained the special flame of Khamaz to expose it to the swords because he  thought that the special flame was a key to many weapons. And just then a great thunder struck the bus because of which, some kind of electrical energy covered the bus as if it was its clothes. Christopher went off the bus. And just then the land cracked, and from inside came an electrical energy which struck the chaos sword which made them electrical swords. The swords were covered with lots and lots of electricity. He first struck the land which made a large chasm in it, which made it impossible for the threatroopers to come and disturb him. Their gun’s range was very less... Christopher quickly started the fierce battle while the commoners tried to escape from the area. Christopher's first strike was delivered to Hydra Vile because he knew that water was an excellent conductorof electricity. He raised both the swords and a thunder struck them and he touched them to a stream of water which led to Hydra Vile and BOOM!!! Dead! Hydra Vile was Dead! Christopher didn’t knew that he could defeat him with such an ease. The devils were surprised to see that. They attacked Christopher. Barrage was becoming a big obstacle for Christopher. So dodging and slipping through the devils, he reachedAcreage and strikes at his stomach which made a large amount of sand and soil debris fall from Acreage's stomach on Barrage which didn’t let him to breath. This led to his death because the fact is true that fire needs oxygen to burn.After seeing this, he was sure that the devil’s would die if they loose their elements or get any severe wound. He thought that the best way to kill Acreage was to erode his soil. Acreage was crying and telling because of his wound. Somehow Christopher managed to attract Waft. He ran towards Acreage dodging the devil’s attack. Christopher reached Acreage with Waft, all the devils were attacking but Christopher only wanted Waft’s attack. After several attempt’s finally Waft made a mistake while aiming and blew Acreage!All his soil flew away leaving a rotten skeleton behind. Christopher was relieved to know that the land devil was now dead. Now Christopher’s plan was to destroy frost. Till now, Christopher only got a stab deep stab on his shoulder. Doom armour was continuously absorbing the slight  damages dealt by the devils. Christopher ran towards Frost. There he raised his swords and stabbed then in his shoulder, which resulted a supercell storm which struck Frost splitting him into a thousand fragments. 

Now only two devils were left. Christopher knew that the only way to kill Waft was to deal massive damage. The supercell storm was very destructive, a large part of the city was destroyed. The devils were in their most aggressive form, because Christopher killed their companions. Christopher was continuously hitting the devil’s and thunder was also continuously sticking the devils. They didn’t got much damage from thunder but stabs were painful. And then Waft's time came.Christopher stabbed his swords into Waft’s shoulder and struck him several times on head, making his brain something like noodles!Ether was transfixed to see that his companions, who were so powerful were lying dead! And taking the advantage of this, Christopher struck his swords at the devil’s head. He fell on the ground and his head opened up just like a bottle cap. Christopher screamed, yelled, danced, sang and did all kind of foolish stuff to celebrate his victory. Until he realized that now, it was time to go home. He walked up to the castle. But! Suddenly he felt an extremely painful sensation in his stomach! He saw that a gigantic sword had passed through him. Then the one who was holding the sword, left it and Christopher fell on the ground flat on face.Transfixed, somehow he looked back. And what he saw was astonishing! It was Heinous! “what do you think? You destroyed the Septa Devil’s? How canyou forget me, huh?” asked Heinous while he walked up to his friends “you shattered frost into millennium fragments, I cannot recognize Ether and Waft, poor Barrage is under debris, there is a skeleton in the place of Acreage. Hydra Vile is Dead! My friends...! My friends...!” he yelled as tears rolled down from his eyes. But “well, let it be, now Doom Armour, sword of chaos and flame of Khamaz are mine! Ha... ha... ha!!!”he yelled. Heinous was a true devil, he couldn’t stop doing devilry and mischief. He snatched the Doom Armour, swords of Chaos and flame of Khamaz from poor Christopher! “Now I have conquered everything...!!!” he yelled, but suddenly led out a deep piercing shriek! For two large blades had passed through him. And the person who was holding the blades pushed them aside and splitter him into two halves. And then Heinous fell and revealed the person who did this. It was Death! He had come!“Have you conquered Death?” he asked. Death came in his mundane form because he thought that using his special form for the devil was an insult! “Oh Death!I am not that powerful, I failed to kill the devils!” said Christopher. “No Christopher! You are powerful, I thought that you could not even defeat a single devil!”Death said astonished. Christopher asked “why is that so?” and then Death said in an extremely cool manner “because it takes a monster to kill a monster.”


At the end, Christopher found that the devils had a business of people, and his father was not dead, but the devils had kidnapped him. he reached Earth through the dimension rift with a great ease with his father.

Christopher always wondered that why the mighty Death helped him but he could never find the answer.


One day Death and life were staring at the world below from the adobe of clouds. Life was wondering where to plant a brand new hibiscus sapling and Death was trying to find the fox, who was about to die. But just then, a thought peeked at the mind of Christopher, he thought that one day the mighty Death would destroy all his precious creations. So he cursed Death that he will never destroy his creations with his very own hands until and unless it is very important. That is why Death assigned Christopher to kill the devils and for formality, he helped. Christopher killed the 6 devils but was unable to kill Heinous, so Death slain Heinous saying that it was an emergency.


Look at the ground,

The grass is green,

Don't be like the devil's,

You should never be mean.

Oh Christopher! Look at the river,

The water is blue,

Death is mighty,

And so are you.

Look at Jwenston,

Everywhere's glee,

I have lots and lots to celebrate,

And so do thee.

Look at the sky,

The clouds are grey,

Ben Jones whishes you, 

A happy freedom day!!!😉






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