Peri Winkle

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational


Peri Winkle

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational

Petalia Kingdom

Petalia Kingdom

12 mins

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Errie. She was living with her father Richard and mother Mia. She was beautiful, smart, cunning, kind-hearted, and a lovely girl. Everything was going well but suddenly things changed when Sami came into her life. It was raining that day and Errie had gone shopping but got stuck in rain. She saw a girl in the corner of a street who was crying. Errie approached her to ask if she was alright. The girl replied in a low voice-“Yes”. Errie asked-“Why are you here all alone in the middle of this rain?” Sami replied-“I am alone, I have no home to go, no friends.” Errie felt bad for that girl and took her home. Since that girl was an orphan, Errie’s parents adopted her and gave her name Sami. Errie’s long last wish of having a sister came true. Both the girls loved each other dearly. They became more like twin sisters. They went to school together, went shopping together, and used to play together. Errie’s birthday was near. Sami was very happy about that. It was Errie’s 15th birthday, the family decided to celebrate Sami’s birthday on the same day as Errie’s.Both the girls were very happy. Their birthday came. Since morning, both the girls were getting a lot of gifts. At 12:00 pm in the afternoon, Sami went to Errie and gave her a gift. As soon as Errie opened the box, both the girls were dragged to an unknown place. That place was dark, full of creepy creatures. Errie looked around but could not find Sami. She walked around that creepy place to look for Sami but couldn’t find her. After walking for a few hours she found Sami lying unconscious. From there, both the girls accompanied each other. They walked for a few miles and came across a small hut. They both entered the hut and found an old lady. They stepped inside. The lady welcomed them. They ate to their full. The old lady told them to have rest. They had a peaceful sleep that night. The next morning, the old lady called them and told them to sit on a chair. As soon as they sat, a cage fell upon them and they were trapped. The old lady came in her original form, she was actually a witch. Errie tried very hard to get out of that cage but to her dismay, she couldn’t. But at the same time, she was amazed to see that Sami was able to get off the cage easily. She was astounded to see the witch and Sami laughing together. The witch said-“You did a great job, Sami, to lure Errie here”, and continued with her devilish laugh. Errie felt very bad; as the person, she trusted very much, led her to such an awful situation. She was angry and sad but at the same time, brave enough to face those two. She was kept locked there for weeks. But meanwhile, she noticed something strange with Sami. Sami was following each and every order of witch-like a puppet. It seemed as if she was under some kind of spell. It didn’t take her long to understand that Sami didn’t lure her intentionally. She was made to do so. Errie now felt bad and sorry for her sister Sami. Once accidentally the witch dropped the key of the cage and went out for some work. This was Errie’s chance. Somehow she managed to get hold of the key and escaped. Since Sami was under spell, she tried to stop Errie. Meanwhile, during the fight, Errie broke the cursed pendant Sami was wearing. Sami was now free from the witch’s spell. They both instantly ran away. After a tiresome journey of two days and one night, they were out of that creepy place and were in the middle of the woods. They rested there for a while, under an apple tree. Both were very hungry so they ate apple until they were full. After resting for a while Errie asked what they should do now. Sami said-“Since we have nowhere to go, we should keep walking if we want to be protected by the witch”. Errie agreed and they both continued walking. After a while, the girls encountered a giant beast. They had no choice but to fight that beast because now they could not turn back and if they had to keep going, they should fight and defeat the beast. They fought bravely with the beast. Although, the girls defeated the beast they barely managed to survive. As the beast died, the scene of that jungle changed to a beautiful and calm place. That place looked heavenly and magical. The guard took the girls inside and the girls were treated by the doctor. The girls were fine now and they were presented before the chief of that heavenly place. The girls discovered a shocking truth about their true identity; they were the princesses of the Petalia Kingdom, a very beautiful and magical kingdom known for its beauty and righteous act. The kingdom was just and fair that always gave honest judgment. The chief said-“You are not ordinary girls, you are princesses of Kingdom Petalia. After your parents, you are the rightful heir of your kingdom and it is your responsibility to maintain the dignity and rightful nature of the Petalia Kingdom. The girls were confused because according to them, their mothers were different. The chief continued-“Princess Cori that is your Sami was sent to Earth to bring you here in Brawn Palace but unfortunately that witch which kidnapped you, hypnotized Princess Cori and erased her memory of being a princess and the motive for which she was sent to Earth. Her name is Goleza, she is a very powerful witch of the century, she had destroyed and taken all powers of the fairy kingdom and flare kingdom, and now she wants to take the power of the Petalia Kingdom. These 3 kingdoms were guarding the power of fairy gem, fire gem, and flower gem. If combined together with a most powerful gem Cara Gem will be formed which has the power to destroy the universe. After getting the fairy and fire gem, Goleza attacked Kingdom Petalia to get the last gem, but the door behind which the flower gem is protected will open only if both of you imprint your hand on the door simultaneously. Goleza wants both of you so that she can make Cara gem and rule the universe.”

It was all clear to Errie and Sami now that they were princesses and were real sisters. The chief continued-“On your 15th birthday you girls got your special powers which will help you to fight Goleza and rule the Petalia Kingdom wisely”. Sami said-“But we don’t have any powers and I still don’t remember of being a princess.” The chief said-“This is the reason you are here; once you wear your sacred amulets, your powers will activate and you Sami will get back your memory. We are guarding your amulets past 15 years”. The girls were given the amulets. As soon as they wore it, there was a bright light in the room. A dragonfly and a butterfly appeared in front of Sami and Errie. The dragonfly went inside Errie’s amulet and the butterfly went inside Sami’s amulet. The chief said-“The butterfly’s name is “SAP” and dragonfly’s name is “BOA”. To activate your pendants, just say SAP activate and BOA activate, your pendants will activate and you will get your power outfit and sword which will help you during your fight. The girls activated their pendants and they were transformed into beautiful warrior princesses with a sword in hand. Because of the power of the pendant Sami also got her memory back. The chief said-“ Today you rest here, tomorrow onwards your journey will start, use this map to find star crystal which will help you defeat Goleza, once you defeat her, your kingdom will be restored and your parents will be free.” Sami was very happy to meet Errie. At night Errie asked Sami about her past. Sami said-“15 years ago, we both were born, you are born with the power of the moon and I am born with the power of the sun. When Goleza attacked our kingdom, then for our safety mom sent us to Brawn Palace because this is the only place where Goleza or her evil powers cannot enter. Unfortunately, due to the meteor shower, you were separated from me and reached Earth. I grew up here in Brawn palace and you grew up on Earth. A year ago, chief told me all about our kingdom, about you, and about Goleza. Our 15th birthday was near, so the chief wanted to give us our amulets on our birthday. While I was coming to Earth, Goleza tricked me; disguised as an old woman in need, when I went to help her, her beasts attacked me from behind, I fainted and the next day I found myself tied in her castle, the castle where once our beautiful Petalia Kingdom used to be. Goleza erased my memory of being a princess and told me about her evil plan and to kidnap you but when I refused to help her, she hypnotized me and told me to kidnap you and bring you to her and then I met you in rain; you know the rest. I am Princess Cori and you are Princess Luna”. Errie was happy after knowing the truth but she was sad also. She was worried about her parents; both of Earth and the Petalia Kingdom. Sami was able to understand her sister’s problem as she was also under the same situation. She said-“Don’t worry Luna, we will save our parents, our land, and then we will meet our Earthly parents as well”. Errie was satisfied after hearing Sami’s words. The next day, the girls were all set to go, they took the map, the chief wished them good luck and they both started their journey to star crystal quest. Till now Goleza has also known that the princesses had got their power and she also figured out that the girls will be now in search of star crystal. She sent someone as a spy whom the girls will never doubt. She sent a spy pigeon to have a look at every move of princesses and to create hurdles in their way to stop them from getting star crystals. During their search, the girls saw Goleza’s pigeon wounded; they took it along with them and treated its wound, unaware of the fact that this was Goleza’s spy. Goleza with the help of her pigeon caused a lot of chaos to stop the girls from getting star crystal. At last, after overcoming a lot of hurdles created by Goleza, they reached to a dark cave, where the crystal was protected. After defeating the giant beasts, the girls got star crystal. Meanwhile, during the fight, Luna saved the pigeon’s life. That pigeon was ashamed of his act. He told everything to the Princesses and beg for their forgiveness, the girls were very angry but also kind-hearted so they forgave the pigeon. The pigeon also destroyed the crystal which it was carrying through which Goleza was able to have an eye on princesses. The pigeon was grateful to the girls, he said sorry and flew away deep into the woods. When Goleza saw that the girls got star crystal and that her pigeon told about her plan to the girls, she was angry and wanted to turn the pigeon into stone but since the pigeon had destroyed Goleza’s spy crystal, she was not able to see it or the girls. She was a little scared because of star crystal, so to trick them again, she now disguised herself as the chief of Brawn palace. The girls took the star crystal and went straight to Brawn palace but due to Goleza’s illusion, they reached to her castle. The girls saw chief standing in front of Brawn palace, unaware of the fact that the Brawn palace they were looking at; was actually Goleza’s castle and the chief they were seeing was actually Goleza. The girls unknowingly gave the star crystal to the fake chief. After getting star crystal, Goleza disguised as chief came into her original witch form, and started her devilish laugh. The girls were shocked and they were very angry. Now, the greatest war of history started, a war between the Princesses of the Petalia Kingdom and the most powerful witch of the century Goleza. Goleza created an army of monsters who attacked princesses but they were no match for the powerful and truthful princesses. Princess Luna encountered the monsters and Princess Cori encountered Goleza. After destroying all the monsters Luna joined Cori in the fight with Goleza. Princesses were injured badly. They were not able to kill Goleza because she was very powerful; by any chance, they had to get that star crystal. They did not give up because they were determined to save their kingdom and their parents. Cori distracted Goleza and Luna was able to get the star crystal. Both the girls focused the power of their sword on the star crystal; a bright red light emerged from the crystal and attacked Goleza. She turned into ashes. With a glow of bright light, Goleza’s castle was changed back to Petalia’s palace. The fairy gem and the fire gem reached where it originally belonged. Fairy kingdom and flare kingdom was restored. All the thorny bushes changed into big trees, the sky became clear, and flowers bloomed, all the statues including the king and queen’s statue converted into its original form. The Petalia Kingdom was back with its beauty and was now free from witch Goleza. King and Queen were happy to see their daughters, they were also very proud of them. Princess Luna was also happy to see her parents. The whole kingdom rejoiced with joy. They celebrated this occasion of coming back to their beloved king, queen, and the princesses and also the kingdom. Both the girls were very happy. Few days passed, Sami (Princess Cori) noticed that Errie (Princess Luna) was a bit sad; it didn’t take her long to understand Errie’s problem. She told about it to King and Queen. They understood that Errie was missing her home, her parents, and her friends on Earth. They decided to allow Errie to continue living on Earth with Richard and Mia. Next day, the royal family of the Petalia kingdom came to Earth at Errie’s home. Richard and Mia were very happy to see Errie and Sami. Mia hugged them and said-“My sweet girls, where were you in these days, we were so scared”.Errie narrated the whole story to them. The queen said-“ Errie is our princess but you took great care of her, you both gave her good teachings, we are highly grateful to you for taking great care of our daughter. Please love her just like that, Errie will stay on Earth because then only our little girl will be happy”.Errie hugged King and Queen and said-“Thank you father, thank you mother, I promise whenever you will need me, I’ll be right there. I will also use my powers for good”. King, Queen, and Princess Cori (Sami) smiled and went back to the kingdom. Errie continued living on Earth with Richard and Mia and they all lived happily ever after.

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