Never Say Never!

Never Say Never!

3 mins

“Ma’am please repeat the question!“ I had asked this for the infinite time as the Inter-House Quiz came to an end. My answer was wrong again. And the cherry on the cake was that my team stood at 4th position, considering the fact that there were only 4 teams participating. At the end of the quiz, the Director of the school asked me infuriated, “Why were you asking to repeat the question every time? Were you not able to listen to the questions properly or were you not confident enough to give your answers?” The latter struck me in my head like a hammer and I had no clue how to defend myself. My head hung in shame in front of my quiz-mates. 

That day I asked myself “Is this how I am going to represent my school in quiz competitions?“  

However, later I not only won that quiz but also represented my school in the semi-finals of the Limca Book of Records Quiz, organized by the Derek O Brien & Associates.

Now the question arises, did this happen overnight? Did some fairy create magic and I began performing like a pro in quizzing rounds the very next day?

The answer is no.

In fact, before reaching such a position, I had to face failures many times. Yes, I was disappointed, furious and at times I cried. But then failures don’t come in life to break us, they come in life to make us. It depends on us how we react to the situation. Whether we decide to run away and leav

e everything on fate or bear the responsibility to face the situation no matter what happens next.

And that’s what creates a difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

The fire, the ignition burning inside to prove them makes them extraordinary.

All our qualities are tested like metal and, has to go through a series of steps so that the end product is pure and shiny metal. Similarly, life also treats us like metal. We also go through a series of steps like examining, moulding and polishing so that the end product we become also shines in front of the world.

Each & every one of us has the ability to become extraordinary. What is required is that extra- passion, extra- patience, extra-perseverance, and extra ignition to achieve all that what we want to be.

And that’s what makes extraordinary people stand apart from the ordinary.

Every time you try, you fail. You try, you fail. It doesn’t matter. You try again, you fail again. Fail better.


Because I believe this is one of the most important qualities that really creates a boundary between success and failure, and people transforming to extraordinary from ordinary.

Have belief in yourself, try again and again, don’t be afraid, and be the one whom you want to be.

Because in the end, that’s what really matters!

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