Never Be Negative
Never Be Negative

Once there was a girl working in an online seller company as a delivery girl. One day there was delivery at a house where three boys lived. Her eyes were swollen by driving a two wheeler in a polluted city. She ranged the bell and one boy came out. While receiving the product he touched her hands as he was drunk. She was afraid and so she went back. She was very punctual in her work. Since these boys had newly shifted to the city so they ordered several products. This girl was allotted delivery to that area so she visited that house several times. She was afraid every time she read that house address on the packet. One day after delivering the product to that house she accidently dropped her id card. Next day she reached office without id card and tried to recollect where she might have dropp
ed it. Then she remembered it might be in that house of three boys. She somehow gathered courage and went to that house. She ranged the bell but no one approached the door. The door was slightly open. She entered and looked in the hall. Then a boy came up with a birthday cake, singing “happy birthday to you”. And it was her birthday. She was shocked, confused and afraid. She did not know how she should react? One of the boy approached her and told her not to worry. All of them had cake and she received three gifts from them. One was having the id card. Second one had goggles so that she can safely drive and the third gift was a diary wrapped with the title” please write today’s memory in this.” She started crying and thanked everyone. Her expectations were totally different from these boys.