Ananya Alfred

Children Stories


Ananya Alfred

Children Stories

My Dream Land

My Dream Land

2 mins

When I opened my eyes, I saw some ice-creams, chocolate, sweets, candies and the whole ground filled with cream. The chocolates and other things were bigger than the size of a human. For telling the truth, the things were as big as a bus. I could not believe it. I was swimming in the cream on the ground. I ate so many chocolates and got full. Suddenly I heard a noise behind the big ice-creams.

Then something moved, when I saw clearly, I saw 3 living beings they talked to me saying ‘hi’. I said ‘Hi, my name is Adhanya. What are your names?’ One stepped forward and introduced all three of them. She told that 'she is Inky, she is Pinky and I am Ponky'. We are made of candies. We are called ‘Candiens’. They said they have a Queen of the Candy land. She lives in the middle of this land. I live in this ice-cream with my fami

ly and friends. I asked her if I could know if there are any other lands?

She went to the ice-cream and took a map, gave it to me saying, 'have this it will help you'. Suddenly a thunder came with a noise ‘The dark lords have arrived’. Then they took us to their house and told us a story ‘there is a dark side world near this land. From our land, a bad person is working for them and telling all our plans to them. So, this might be the right time for them. The three Candiens suddenly turned into evil things. Then they attacked me.

I soon opened my eyes, for my surprise I was at my house with my sister, sleeping. I woke my sister up and asked questions from the dream, like where are the Candiens? And where are the dark lords? Then I realized that it was just a silly dream. 

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