Saranya Sarangi

Children Stories Comedy Drama


Saranya Sarangi

Children Stories Comedy Drama

Ms. Jenny And The Birthday Party

Ms. Jenny And The Birthday Party

3 mins

 It was a cool and peaceful evening when sixty-year-old Miss Jenny was watching T.V. She always had her ears open and eavesdrop to people around her. She used to talk to everyone ironically. She was shuffling through channels when she started eavesdropping to her neighbor, Jifty who was talking to a lady. “I am ready to go to the party and I’m sure we’ll enjoy Liana’s third birthday party,” Jifty said to the lady. Hearing this, Jenny too thought of attending the party even if she was not invited. “What a wicked lady and my luck!” said Jifty when Jenny asked her to bring milk from a cowshed sticking to Jenny’s flat. “My beautiful makeup will be ruined!!” she said while going to the cowshed wearing her best gown.

Till then Miss Jenny reached the party held in a tiny room. Surprisingly, all the guests were grannies of seventies with pure white hairs, fighting little tiny tots. She sat and first held a handful of cake and gobbled it up before the cake was cut. The icings of the cake were clearly visible on the chin, cheeks, and clothes of Miss Jenny. She sat there with her dirty dress and kept on clapping her hands when Liana was crying and pointing towards her, as for she knew the ‘inevitable’ work was done by whom. “I didn’t do it for your kind information,” she said showing her most happy and phony face ever. Without bothering anymore, even after knowing that ev

eryone was staring at her, she indulged herself with another huge piece of cake. Liana on her mother’s lap was looking at her with squeamish face and eyes open as wide as she could. She kept on staring at her for the next four seconds and then gave a sudden cry.

Miss Jenny pounced on her and shut her mouth. The girl’s mother was shocked to see such behavior. She then ordered another cake. Liana’s mother held the cover to open and all the grannies had their eyes open, eagered to see what kind of cake was ordered. She was just going to open, just then Jifty came inside with her cow dung patched pink gown; stinking like anything! Seeing her, the grannies grumbled, “Yuck! What a dirty and stinking cake! Are we gonna have this?” Jifty with her most annoyed face said, “Who’s here gonna eat me?”

The grannies pushed their glasses towards their nose, took a peer look on her and said, “How can such a big cake talk? Tell the baker to bake a better cake.” Hearing this, Jifty pulled Miss Jenny and took her to ‘Miss Jenny’s Dreamland’, Miss Jenny’s house’s name. She made her wear her stinking clothes and took her to the party. Till that, the entire cake was eaten up. Everybody laughed at her and said, “Hello, talking and stinking uninvited cake. You missed your cake.” Since then nobody found Miss Jenny troubling anybody! She indeed got a good lesson, didn’t she?

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