Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats



Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats


Mental health issues

Mental health issues

3 mins

Lately there have been so much talk about mental health issues with the suicide of the former Ms. World, Cheslie Kryst. Like why did she do it? What was wrong with her and her life? But here's the thing, there are many people out there just barely hanging on. 

When celebrities come out and speak about their illnesses they are made fun of. Remember when Tryrese had a breakdown from not being allowed to see his child? What happened, you all made a meme about him. 

When Keyne West had a breakdown, they laughed at him. When Will Smith came out and talked about his marriage and the problems they had in it, people made a meme about him, laughing at his pain.

You want more people to be real and yet you roast them, you laugh at them or make memes about them. Is this going to help? No, it will make people keep it to themselves. We will not know what others are going through, and we will feel more alone than we do now and trust and believe more and more people will take their own lives and we will still be asking why?

There is such a stigma on mental health, especially in the black communities and yet when these brave men come forward people cut them to pieces. 

What is wrong with our society these days? We worship the housewives of who gives a shit, where women act like children

. Our athletes act like garbage and we worship them and so many of the rappers are out here demeaning and calling women bitches? This is our reality today and we wonder what's wrong with the world.

There are so many people suffering silently and are afraid to come out because they will be stigmatized. 

Mental health is a huge issue that one one wants to deal with. Look, we go to the doctor when our leg hurts, when we are in pain but if that pain is coming from your heart or inside your head we don't think that is a real issue. 

I am a huge believer in therapy, I was in therapy, I had my girls in therapy for years because I knew they needed it seeing their mother be verbally abused, feeling it themselves. Therapy is a wonderful tool to help you cope, to change your mindset, to help you become the person you want to be.

So today my friends, stop and think before you make fun of people who have issues. We never know the pain someone else is going through. We don't know if they are holding on to a thread. We need to become a society that allows people to get the help they need and be supportive for others to see that and come forward too. We are all dealing with our own mental health issues, so just be kind.

"Be the change you want to see"


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