

3 mins

Who would understand from problems? The pain, the suffering, the endless days of darkness? Oh? I can go on.

It is next to impossible to even imagine what it means to be in my position. The intake of food and water and all those spicy things makes me sick and can’t even get it out of my system.

Added to this is the non-stop chattering I am forced to listen to in my prison; well, what else you call the place I am housed? It is dark as a devil and I am completely dependent on her for my existence!

But what I heard today made me cry out loudly though, I couldn’t even cry.

She has decided to end my life; kill me!

I know for certain that she hated me for quite some time now; it was inevitable, in a way that she decided to kill me.

All the celebration and all those joyful movement and heaps of praise on her ended the minute she came to know of my identity!

Why do these people resort to killing? Is it my fault that I am born this way? Should I not get a chance to plead my case, at least?

These and a hundred other questions keep bombarding me every second. But where to find answers?

I don’t know.

She was discussing with her mother about the ways and means to end my life. I laughed, almost loudly.

Look at the parody! Wasn’t she like me one day? What if someone had decided then, to end her life too?

Well, there was nothing I could do except to wait for the inevitable!

Next da

y, I was moving. Obviously, I was being taken out to get killed.

Does she even know that I can hear her? I can think like she does? I need to be given just one chance to prove that I am no less intelligent, no less powerful, no less capable than my counterparts?

In this country, where I was about to be born, my ilk has always been discriminated; always playing second fiddle.

Always considered weak and not capable!

I am very much like the mayfly.

The eggs go to the bottom of the ocean when the fly lays the eggs travel all the way down and hits the bottom of the sea. Some time chances of survival are minimal. If they do survive, they rise to the top of the ocean and once they reach, they get their wings liberated and fly…….

For most of these mayflies, ife is limited to the period it raises from the bottom to the top of the ocean; many don’t get a chance to flutter their wings and fly at all.

But that's nature; here it is different! It is completely man made; should I say humans ( to remove gender bias?)going against nature.

I am close to completing just six months of my existence, still in the dark womb and desperately want to come out to the outside world and be given just one chance to prove my worth.

But, no!

I won’t get that chance because of my gender; because I am not as good as my counterparts!

I must be killed, because of my gender.

Who am I?

A female fetus!

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