Maybe It Is

Maybe It Is

2 mins

When as a child I grew up, my parents never really taught me what 'love' was, precisely. Although, they did taught me how to eat, how to behave, how to be disciplined, how to talk nicely, and how to be a good human being. But, they never really mentioned this 'four lettered word'. 

But, now when you ask me about what 'love' is, I guess, I will just say, 'what my parents have taught me'. Yes, my parents. 

As a single child to my parents, I never thought that I'd be understood this much by them, and I'd get this much love from them. But, yes! Without even telling me the meaning of 'love', my parents have taught me what it is. 

And so, love for me is when- 

  1. I failed in my Mathematics exam, and even after telling that to my father, his reply was, "That is ok, marks don't define you, try next time".
  2. The dinner is not of my taste, and without even saying it, my mother brings 'Maggi' for me.
  3. Even after being twenty one, I expect Santa (which technically is both my parents) to come and put a gift near my pillow at night, so that I could open it on Christmas morning. 
  4. I don't say a word to my mother, but she somehow just knows that I'm low today, and so she comes and gives a long tight hug to me. 
  5. I share about how much pain I'm having because of periods with my father and all he does is brings a hot water bag to put on my stomach.
  6. Both, my mother and father make me feel like I'm the best thing that has ever happened to them and that they're so proud of me. 

So, when somebody asks me, "Hi, what is love according to you?", all I could remember is what my parents have done for me, and hence, maybe it is love for me. Yes, maybe it is. 

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