Magical Tree
Magical Tree
Once an upon a time there was a woodcutter who used cuts tree and sells the wood. He was also greedy too,so he used to sell wood at high price by saying people that it is high-quality wood. One evening he went to the forest to cut trees while walking he saw a golden shiny tree-like gold then he thought if I sell this kit of wood I would get a lot of money and he took he axe and was above to cut then a sound came to stop! He searched everywhere where this sound is coming but he couldn't find it, so he again took his axe and was ready to cut but the sound came again stopppppp! Then he asked who is this? The reply came this is me magical tre
e I request You not to cut me please because I give u food, Oxygen etc if you.
Save my life it will be good for you only. The woodcutter replied if I cut you only I will get money. Then the tree said ok then after cutting me you should plant another tree. Not even a second woodcutter took his axe and killed the tree. He didn't plant a new tree also and left for selling and got a lot of money but at night when he was sleeping he saw a dream that he was not getting Oxygen and he was above to die because there were no trees. After that night he started planting more trees after cutting one tree and he was happier than before